The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
Currently watching the Grand Tour whilst rehydrating with a v&v. To be fair it is quite funny and I want to visit Georgia.


Legendary Member
Good morning folks. Am I first today? :hello:^_^

Out of bed this morning?


Legendary Member
A cool start to the day as its very misty. I think the sun will break through soon and it will warm up nicely.
Me and Mrs D have a chill, stay at home day planned. Coffee then exercises. Later it will be fresh orange (with vodka of course) and warm croisants with honey.
Sun beds will be out by mid day for a few warm Zzzzs.
Then late lunch will be fresh bread with some sort of salad and a bottle of plonk followed by a few more Zzzzzs.


Started young, and still going.
Morning all, a lovely sunny day here. A good day was had yesterday in Brussels. We had a good wander through the main square and the up to the royal palace. The botanical gardens and the town park. The CAMRA guide recommended the bier circus bar and delivered. A smashing lunch was had washed down with two bottles of La Chouffe
and a bottle of Lupaline Organic. 8% and 8.5% respectively. Waffles were eaten a little later in a cafe and coffee drank before getting the train back to blighty.
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