Good morning. The forecast is excellent. Sun. 17⁰. Looking out of the window I would say we're 50/50 on that one.
An exciting day ahead in Paul land. Next up is a mountain of ironing plus Netflix followed by morning stretches. Then I have allotment work to do before the rain arrives tomorrow.
The di2 on my bike is still cr@p meaning yet another trip to the LBS. On Wednesday a 68 mile ride used 47% of the shifter charge, on both shifters. That means a battery change will be needed at +/- 150 miles - at best two rides. This time I'm asking for the whole groupset to be replaced. That's going to cost someone, not me, £12 - 1400. If the LBS won't do this I may have to invoke the Sale of Goods Act and return the bike. This is a great shame. I've used the same LBS for 25 years and I really don't like piling the pressure on.
I never buy anything major online. I'm strong believer in supporting local businesses. The di2 saga, this is my fifth LBS return, shows the value of a real world retailer. Imagine trying to sort this mess out online.
As for Shimano? 💩