The Retirement Thread

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If 6 Was 9
Tidied my veggie garden, washed all of our front windows, cleaned the verandah decking. power washed slabs and my greenhouse. :sweat:
Car and caravan washing can wait for another day.
Time for lunch and a nap....
I've just received a "Official Notice" from the BBC
I even have my own Reference Number :hyper:
all because I don't have a TV licence
Why would you buy something you don't use ?
They are going to send someone round from the "Enforcement Offiers"
they will have a long wait as I will not open the door to any of them.

As is your right

If you don;t use the service then you don;t need to pay for it

When I was in a situation where I was only at home a day or so a week I stopped my TV License
at that time they sent some letters but when I rang them up and explained then they stopped sending them
They did start again a while later but I just filled in a form declaring I didn;t watch terrestrial TV and the stopped again

do they not still do this?


As is your right

If you don;t use the service then you don;t need to pay for it

When I was in a situation where I was only at home a day or so a week I stopped my TV License
at that time they sent some letters but when I rang them up and explained then they stopped sending them
They did start again a while later but I just filled in a form declaring I didn;t watch terrestrial TV and the stopped again

do they not still do this?

Bear in mind the TV licensing system is run by the notoriously incompetent Capita.


Good Afternoon from a beautiful sunny Lancashire. Thank you all for your kind remarks and messages. It is appreciated. I may try to catch up all these pages, but I may not.

The early part of last week was tough for me. Mrs P is fine. Many small things built up till I hit full meltdown and just had to take myself away from many, many things. I'm sure those of you who have experienced what I'm living through will know how something very small can trigger a reaction out of all proportion to its importance. I'm back up and running.

My buddies have found a new coffee shop. They're taking me tomorrow. A 73 mile round trip, my biggest post crash ride. 😱

IMPORTANT QUESTION. I see we have a lot of new arrivals............has the Retirement Thread Vetting Committee been convened? If not why the slacking? 😄


Legendary Member

I finally took mine a fortnight ago with plans for a life of leisure. No chance. Hanging blinds, trips to the tip and a host of other outstanding jobs lined up for me.

My plans to make a start with building my Tamiya R/C car kit are met with "There is plenty to do before you start playing with your toys".





I finally took mine a fortnight ago with plans for a life of leisure. No chance. Hanging blinds, trips to the tip and a host of other outstanding jobs lined up for me.

My plans to make a start with building my Tamiya R/C car kit are met with "There is plenty to do before you start playing with your toys".



Ah, you're new to this. Don't worry we can pass on a few tips on how to avoid these situations...........the male of the species is well versed in procrastination.


What volunteering are you doing?

At Ufton near Leamington, it a nature reserve since the 1960s and a SSSI because it has rare orchids in the meadows . It’s now looked after by the council , it used to be looked after by Warwickshire wildlife trust and we were all concerned when it changed over a couple of years ago but everything has been fine.
It’s an old blue lias quarry ( used in cement . ) The main work there is trying to stop the whole site wooding over. So tree cutting and bramble removal is our main work, trying to keep the meadows and pools from being overgrown to help biodiversity.
I also still volunteer for WWT too and friends often ask, is it different to council volunteering and the answer is no.
With both 90% of what we do is removing trees and undergrowth from where is not needed and planting new trees and plants where they are needed.
Plus we do get to play with power tools and do things like hedge laying . 😀
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At Ufton near Leamington, it a nature reserve since the 1960s and a SSSI because it has rare orchids in the meadows . It’s now looked after by the council , it used to be looked after by Warwickshire wildlife trust and we were all concerned when it changed over a couple of years ago but everything has been find .
It’s an old blue lias quarry ( used in cement . ) The main work there is trying to stop the whole site wooding over. So tree cutting and bramble removal is our main work, trying to keep the meadows and pools from being overgrown to help biodiversity.
I also still volunteer for WWT too and friends often ask, is it different to council volunteering and the answer is no.
With both 90% of what we do is removing trees and undergrowth from where is not needed and planting new trees and plants where they are needed.
Plus we do get to play with power tools and do things like hedge laying . 😀

On which topic

I have just booked a meeting with Age Uk to volunteer helping people with computers and phone and whatever
I used to do it for a group based in Liverpool and sending people to libraries to help
but the library I went to had very few people coming in so it was cancelled

hoping this will be more success fulk

TBH I am a bit annoyed at the other lot - I have asked them if I can go somewhere else but they have not come up with anywhere
but they are advertising for someone in St Helens - which is not that far away
they could at least have asked me!!!

anyway - lets see what happens on Friday when I see this lady


Legendary Member
Good Afternoon from a beautiful sunny Lancashire. Thank you all for your kind remarks and messages. It is appreciated. I may try to catch up all these pages, but I may not.

The early part of last week was tough for me. Mrs P is fine. Many small things built up till I hit full meltdown and just had to take myself away from many, many things. I'm sure those of you who have experienced what I'm living through will know how something very small can trigger a reaction out of all proportion to its importance. I'm back up and running.

My buddies have found a new coffee shop. They're taking me tomorrow. A 73 mile round trip, my biggest post crash ride. 😱

IMPORTANT QUESTION. I see we have a lot of new arrivals............has the Retirement Thread Vetting Committee been convened? If not why the slacking? 😄

I know the feeling from before and after my lovely wife died.
On the other hand CC helped give me a reason to battle on.
We are all different so the only advice I can give is to keep battling on.
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