The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
Good morning gang.
A better sleep was had as I only woke at 5 with the need for a pee.
Still cold at just 1°.
TV sports day for me, especially the cup final this afternoon.
Have a nice day
@ebikeerwidnes have a nice hangover^_^


Good morning folks. I can hear Mrs Tkk putting all the old crap back into the cupboards of the new kitchen where it will remain undisturbed until the kids eventually take it to the charity shop/ council tip. Cynical, me? Nah, just a realist 🤔
On a lighter note, the sun is shining and I plan to go for a run. Just a week to go until our 10k race in Saltaire. Plenty of time to train up, long run today, hills on Tuesday, speedwork Thursday, taper down Friday and race on Sunday 😁


If 6 Was 9
Morning all :hello:

Nice sunny day by the looks of it.
I'll have an hour in my workshop before we go out for a stroll up to the Railway Inn for lunch.
Talking of railways; it's only 7 days to go before the WSR starts running again. We'll be doing a round trip on the first train next Saturday.

Just noticed that @Chief Broom seems to be MIA - not posted since Jan 6. Hope he's OK.

Chief Broom

Morning all :hello:

Just noticed that @Chief Broom seems to be MIA - not posted since Jan 6. Hope he's OK.
Hi Dirk/folks im fine thanks, just took a break from CC for a while :okay: Im liking the warming weather and being able to get more rides in, also the gardening year is getting underway.
Had a pleasant surprise tuther day...Amanda who has been running group rides for a cycling promotion scheme phoned me and said "would you like an e-bike for free!" i said i prefer peddling but then thought best not look a gift horse etc even if its an e-horse :laugh: So now ive got something to play with if im feeling lazy or can use it for utility duties.
Hope alls well with everyone :okay:
DSCF6003 (1).JPG


Legendary Member
Hi Dirk/folks im fine thanks, just took a break from CC for a while :okay: Im liking the warming weather and being able to get more rides in, also the gardening year is getting underway.
Had a pleasant surprise tuther day...Amanda who has been running group rides for a cycling promotion scheme phoned me and said "would you like an e-bike for free!" i said i prefer peddling but then thought best not look a gift horse etc even if its an e-horse :laugh: So now ive got something to play with if im feeling lazy or can use it for utility duties.
Hope alls well with everyone :okay:
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Wow that looks amazing for being free! Well done.
Good morning gang.
A better sleep was had as I only woke at 5 with the need for a pee.
Still cold at just 1°.
TV sports day for me, especially the cup final this afternoon.
Have a nice day
@ebikeerwidnes have a nice hangover^_^

Huh - I seem to be lucky that way - I don;t generally get proper hangovers
partly because I always drink water before I go to bed

I just feel a bit subdued the morning after

I did feel that Liverpool was rather busy last night
after a while I also realised that there was a lot of people wearing green

eventually I realised it was the Saturday before Paddy's day
In Liverpool - which is half Irish

I should have realised - Paddy's day is also know as my wife's birthday!

so I must remember to wrap her present today at some point
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