The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
4 celsiuses and sunny here.
4 celsiuses and sunny here.

Hey Drago… I see you are the president of the CCCCCC.

Riding cycles, in a curmudgeonly manner, and often wearing a cardigan, I feel qualified to join your fine group. As I live in far off Canada could we please have you permission to start a Canadian branch? It would differ in only having an extra “C” added to it and the occasional use of maple syrup as chain lube ( when in season ).


Thoughts after 2 years? If you can afford it and have plenty of hobbies/interests then do it ASAP!
If you can't afford it and/or expect to be watching daytime TV then don't bother.

Good advice, a pal of mine retired a few years ago and he has really deteriorated, mainly due to not having many interests and sitting around all day.

Fortunately when I retired at 59 last April, we still had the remnants of a business we sold in 2018 which provides about 15-20 hours of flexible working a week and a decent income, I also volunteer a day and half a week at a local bike charity so I’ve established a nice busy routine, including having time for my interests, but with flexibility and not a lot of stress, now I’m settled into our new life I’m really enjoying it.


Morning all .
Nothing much planned for today. Drive my daughter into town, do a supermarket shop ( well buy some essentials ie wine, bread and baked beans😂 ) then pick up some bits and bobs I will need for volunteering tomorrow. .
Have a good day everyone.


68, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Good morning all.
A cloudy start to the day here.
My son is coming round shortly and then we are going to the Spurs stadium for the full tour. It's my birthday present from him.

My stepson (huge Spurs fan) was over the moon to be one of the high-access hoist riggers when they were building the ground.


68, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Morning all, off to Skeggy shortly to fix dents in at least 9 cars, I am only doing two or three days on the road working nowadays and I can feel that dropping as I spend even more time in Liverpool. I have another business that brings in a nice steady income along with pensions and investments I have no financial need to work, even less so if I moved in with Justine as we would be quite a well of couple. I thought I would work until I dropped, but this winter has changed that idea, it seems to have been a tough one for me.

A nasty anniversary today for me, one year since Pam died, that is the first time I have been able to write that word. Take care everyone.

Crikey! That year has flown by. Hope you get through today ok.

Didn't expect to hear you cutting down on your workload either. Also, glad you are cracking on with your life in pastures new, too.


New Member
I think I retired 7 years ago I’ve sort of lost count. I generally start my day by looking at cycling and climbing stuff on the inter we. Then eventually get round to some sort of activity cycling or climbing. Then it used to be watch the cycling but that’s now try to find some free cycling to watch.
Mrs W has just retired and has quite the hang of the siting around bit yet.🤣
Just had a phone call from the GP surgery
They need to make an appt with me
which sounds scary

but it is a telephone thing and the first they have is 15th APRIL
so I presume I'm not dying all that quickly then!!!

apparently it is to do with my iron
which was low and resulted in me being diagnosed with coeliac
so maybe that has not fixed it??

we clearly won;t know until 15th April I suppose!!


68, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
An update on #2 grandsons car. Its a lovely mini Cooper.
I got his bank details so transfered the money plus enough for his insurance.
His face was a picture and worth every penny.

Good move!

Might as well share it before it gets snaffled.

We dump a decent chunk into the kids banks every December.

The line in our all-singing all-dancing financial planning spreadsheet reads Wealth Redistribution - I would have put Wealth Redistribution At Our Behest And Not The States, but there was limited room. :laugh:

We are doing our best to avoid IHT.
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