The Rail Enthusiast thread

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Legendary Member

This was the last thing I saw, 'the whispering ghost' as it passed Frampton Cotterell on it's way back to Birmingham from the West Somerset Railway.

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
We have a winner! Although given MDB's legendary knowledge of class 50 names and numbers, I'd have been a tad disappointed if he hadn't got it.

View attachment 24524

I am not so hot on the Naval Crests, but, Thor.... Thunder.... it wasn't difficult to work out once I got past the Thor bit.
The problem is, that, it could have been something more recent I was not aware of, so I ended up looking at a whole manner of Thor related things and other items before it suddenly dawned on me what it was! D'oh!

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
More eye candy.........

View attachment 24925

Yes the Q1 does look good, doesn't it? Its just a pity there is what looks like a huge upturned red Bathtub in the way..... :whistle:

And did you see the prices??:eek:

Apparently a problem they have with The Flying Money Pit is that a few porkies have been told over the years, and families of old ECML Drivers and Firemen believe that their Grandpa/Father/Uncle etc once drove/fired it, when in reality they worked on something else. Its a bit like people spuriously believing that a relative flew a Sp*tfire during the war or similar.
There have been a lot of myths and 'stories for the Grandkids' and so on told over the years that have been taken hook line and sinker. An equivalent will be, I bet, in about 50 or 60 years time when people claim that their Grandpa once flew Concorde or whatever.

I wonder how many 'claims' they will get for Mallard! :rolleyes:

Anyway, this quote made me laugh:

'On that historic day in 1938, Mallard was driven by Joe Duddington, of Doncaster, who has since died.'

No Sh*t Sherlock! I mean, he'd be about 140 by now if he was still alive!! ^_^
Also, it doesn't mention the fireman, but I bet he must have popped his clogs years ago too!


Leg End Member
You forgot the other two crew members, on the record run. Fireman Thomas Bray & Inspector Sid Jenkins.
Had to check for the first names, knew the surnames.

"Joe Duddington, born August 8th 1876"


Hey anoraks, how come the steam train isn't coming through Wakefield anymore? It used to every summer.
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