The questions-you-feel-you-ought-to-know-the-answer-to Thread

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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
Best guess: wave-particles of energy. I don't have a good answer, unlike gravity which at least has ball+rubber sheet analogy to fall back on whenever the "it bends spacetime" answer is trotted out.

So why does it repel one way and not the other. How do wave particles behave to achieve that?
So why does it repel one way and not the other. How do wave particles behave to achieve that?
If you sample an EM field every point you sample has a magnitude and a direction.

If you take a slice of the field you can also see the frequency of the waves. Some are easier to detect than others. For instance, if you cook poppadoms in a microwave you can clearly see the waves.


To detect magnetic fields you just need iron filings

Whereas to detect a gravity wave you need several LIGO observatories far apart each with a mile long track that can detect deflections in gravity.


Resting in suspended Animation
If you could travel on and on till you get to the end of space, what is after that?

More space. The space effectively is expanding at an equivalent speed much faster than the speed of light.

This is why the universe is around 13.7 billion years old, but about 93 billion light years across.
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Resting in suspended Animation
Still doesn't explain what the magnetic field is or how it works beyond Earth in a vacuum?

A vacuum is able to support a magnetic field. This is described through it's permeability which in a vacuum has a value. It is the ability to form a magnetic field.

Magnets are all about ground states, equations of motion and symmetries and broken symmetries.

Think of sainsbury's supermarkets being the electric part and sainsbury's local being the magnetic part of the electromagnetic field, one of the four fundamental supermarkets Tesco, ASDA, Sainsbury's and Morrisons :tongue:.


Legendary Member
What flavour cheese is the moon made out of?
Well everyone knows its green cheese. So there is little doubt it is Sage Derby.
Sage Derby is a variety of British Derby cheese infused with sage to produce a glorious green marbling effect and subtle herb flavour. Hard to find these days, it is England’s oldest and most famous cheeses originally made only for special occasions such as Harvest and Christmas.
Sorry to sound like @classic33 ^_^

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I don't think this thread is the one i'm looking for, but it's similar so here goes.
There's a pawnbroker shop in town with gold chains,bracelets and earrings etc in the window. Every time I look I see the same stuff in there. They never seem to sell any of the gold,till yesterday when I looked I noticed one chain had gone. My question is how does this shop make a profit and survive by selling 1 £200 gold chain every fortnight or so?
I don't think this thread is the one i'm looking for, but it's similar so here goes.
There's a pawnbroker shop in town with gold chains,bracelets and earrings etc in the window. Every time I look I see the same stuff in there. They never seem to sell any of the gold,till yesterday when I looked I noticed one chain had gone. My question is how does this shop make a profit and survive by selling 1 £200 gold chain every fortnight or so?
My guess is they put the high value items in the window while most of their trade is in lower value bulk goods.
The parasite that is CeX does the same thing. Laptops, tablets and phones up front, second hand dvds/games inside.

Either that or money laundering.
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