Puzzle game procrastinator!
- Location
- Todmorden - Yorks/Lancs border
Over 70 years ago, George Orwell warned us that this was coming - remember 1984's telescreens?@tyred, the piece about the television and radio I've come across. Going outside to talk, because the radio could hear them. Turning their back on the telly because it might be watching them. A blanket over it during the day(No daytime telly), so it couldn't watch them.
Odd in a way now, given there are voice controlled listening devices, recording everything, smart TV's with built in camera's and microphones. Maybe they weren't that far out after all.
A lot of Donald Trump's speeches remind me of 1984... 135,000 dead from a 'little kung flu' - amazing victory! Case numbers still increasing - we've really done a great job sorting it out. When a vaccine is finally here we will discover that Trump told the researchers how they should develop it!