I am not really that "old" Pushing 64, However, much to my annoyance I suffered yet another XXXXing puncture on a busy A road with about two feet width of raised grass verge either side.
Found a spot, got bike upended, rear wheel out no problem, six months ago this would't have been too bad.
But today I found out that my dodgy Kneez have really said Enough!. I couldn't get down on the floor and having tried, knelt on one of the panniers and found after a minute or so, I couldn't get back up again.
To add insult to injury I then noticed I was stationed atop of an ant nest.
I had ridden over something that had put huge hole through a Schwalbe Durano and I had a tyre full of sealant from out of the tube, this was scraped out using my fingers and the new tube installed in a semi crouching position.
I did get home (eventually)
Not my finest or Fittest day