Yes, give it a go
@Jameshow you'll really enjoy it. I find it very relaxing. No motor no smelly fuel. You can either build from a plan or a kit.
If you haven't flown before this is a good starter, Middle Phase by Chris Foss.
The great thing about it's it's a rudder/elevator but as you progress you can buy an aileron wing for it.
Remember the wind needs to blown directly onto the face of the slope.
Or as we used to do as kids, no hills / slopes, tow them up.
Circa 10lb fishing line iirc, reel out maybe 10 metres, one holding to glider with the line taught, then run as fast as you can into the wind, play out the line as it got lift, but always keeping tension.
I guess (it was a long time ago) as it reached the appropriate height (maybe 50 to 70ft) the glider would just loose itself as you stopped running.
A little preset angle on the rudder would keep it circling however high it went (and on old RAF airfields, there were lots of warm air uplifts) and if you really were serious, a mechanical timer operating the elevator, would flip it up, inducing a gentle stall back to earth.
I clearly remember the pull as you towed them up, really quite strong if you got a good thermal.
Lost one freshly made glider as a kid, spent two weeks making it, first flight, forgot to preset the rudder, up it went.....and flew straight as a die into the distance
never to be seen again