Speicher said:
One of the CPL's near here, has a fostering system. Where the cats are kept in people's homes as opposed to a "cattery". If someone has fostered a cat, would they know more about how the cat reacts in a domestic setting? (As opposed to a cat in a "cattery".)
The advantage of that is if my cat, Leo, does not get on with the new cat, and the new cat has to be returned, then I know that the cat is going back to a house, not a cage, admittedly a very large one, but still a cage.
The fostering system is one the CPL is fond of. I like it - it helps socialise cats well and those doing the fostering can tell you about the personality of cat you're getting. I've got a friend who does fostering for the CPL. You'll need to give Leo and the new kitten *time* and lots of it to adjust to each other. They may never be best buddies and may end up only tolerating each other, or they may become inseparable. There's no way to tell in advance. As an example - my three.
Waffles first cat acquired
Francis second cat acquired
Marble third cat acquired.
Waffles gets along with Francis
Waffles *loathes* Marble
Francis gets along with Waffles & Marble
Marble tries to get along with everyone except when it comes to food, when he's a huge bully and he will literally shove any other cat out of the way (hence why Waffles loathes him).
Waffles keeps Marble in his place with periodic growls and swats of paw when required.
Francis just loves everyone.
Marble doesn't take the hint of when to leave Waffles alone, as he is dim, and as a result, acts all miffed when he gets thwaped on the nose.
The key is patience, space and TLC to all so none feels left out of the picture. But there is no guarantee they'll get along. When Marble first arrived as a kitten, Waffles ignored him and Francis took him under his wing so to speak. Waffles is very happy to ignore Marble but he won't take the hint, even to this day. So periodically Waffles has to remind Marble that he needs to bog-off