The Paleo Thread...

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Senior Member
From Wikipedia.

“societies may have made decisions by communal consensus decision making rather than by appointing permanent rulers such as chiefs and monarchs. Nor was there a formal division of labor during the Paleolithic. Each member of the group was skilled at all tasks essential to survival, regardless of individual abilities. Theories to explain the apparent egalitarianism have arisen, notably the Marxist concept of primitive communism. Christopher Boehm (1999) has hypothesized that egalitarianism may have evolved in Paleolithic societies because of a need to distribute resources such as food and meat equally to avoid famine and ensure a stable food supply.”

Where did we go wrong?

Answer, Money.


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Mr Haematocrit

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If someone tells you they are thinner and healthier on the Paleo Diet, ask them what they ate before. If the answer is cheese, hot dogs, fast food burgers and fries, donuts, cookies, chips, ice cream, white bread, bagels, and soda, there is your answer. At least on the Paleo Diet, they are avoiding dairy and processed foods and eating more fruits and veggies. Hence the improvement. This does not prove the Paleo Diet is the seventh wonder of the world which some people make it out to be.


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If someone tells you they are thinner and healthier on the Paleo Diet, ask them what they ate before. If the answer is cheese, hot dogs, fast food burgers and fries, donuts, cookies, chips, ice cream, white bread, bagels, and soda, there is your answer. At least on the Paleo Diet, they are avoiding dairy and processed foods and eating more fruits and veggies. Hence the improvement. This does not prove the Paleo Diet is wonder some people make it out to be.

I did eat some of the above in moderation before starting Paleo, but its made me re-evaluate the way I look at food, not just evaluate what goes in my mouth

Mr Haematocrit

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I did eat some of the above in moderation before starting Paleo, but its made me re-evaluate the way I look at food, not just evaluate what goes in my mouth

So basically you cut rubbish out of your diet and saw improvements, you can do this by simply eating healthy. Following a supposed 'cave man' diet surrounded with myth and mis-information is not required.
I believe in science, I am yet to see any science supporting the claims made by Paleo


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I'm not seeking scientific proof, and yes I've cut out the crap from my diet, as well as various other things, and fortunately, I've found something (finally) that works for me :-) not saying it will work got everyone, but glad that I've discovered something that I can stick to :-D


Senior Member
A lot of people make the mistake of confusing Paleo with Neolithic.
The Paleo is before farming. Early Paleo is before fire.
Any 'Paleo' website which suggest you cook something in a metal container or even a large crock pot, they are talking BS.

You can roast meat and vegges on sticks above an open hearth. You CANNOT use pots, pans, an oven, and definitely NOT a microwave.
Before the duluge, meat was cooked on an open hearth, and called 'burned offerings'. Vegetables were slowly cooked wetted, wrapped in leaves and placed on the hot embers. Fruit was eaten raw.
Some vegges can be eaten raw. This is good because it takes so long to digest, and takes more calories to perform the digestion. Think Chimps.


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Unfortunately, it's homemade. Paleo has re-inspired my interest in cooking.

That's something else I'd say its done for me. I used to cook all the time, but then just found myself in a rut, doing the easy stuff all the time. I have to be extra creative coz I have a nut allergy, which rules out a lot of good fats and protein sources!


Im a Vegan, so the im the exact oppsite, i didn't know what Paleo is before i went vegan and after i went vegan i found out, im not really that impressed, most if not all paleo book authors are overweight. Besides, if you take vitamin supplements or such you are not paleo anymore since people back then didn't have any of these things :biggrin:


Im a Vegan, so the im the exact oppsite, i didn't know what Paleo is before i went vegan and after i went vegan i found out, im not really that impressed, most if not all paleo book authors are overweight. Besides, if you take vitamin supplements or such you are not paleo anymore since people back then didn't have any of these things :biggrin:

Overweight? Mark Sisson or Robb Wolf aren't overweight at all. Would be interesting if you could name some fatties...

The argument about vitamin supplements has been done - it's primal philosophy adapted for modern times. No one is trying to pretend they're eating like a cavemen did. The vegetables we have these days bear absolutely no resemblance to back then - again, no one is pretending otherwise.

Anyway, I switched to a paleo-type diet last week. Cut out all artificial foods, all wheat and bread products, most dairy. Dropped below 70KG for the first time in years, and i feel great.
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