Formerly known as djtheglove
- Location
- On my bike in the smoke!!!!!!!!!!
badkitty said:All of the above.
badkitty said:All of the above.
badkitty said:But to be fair, I would wave at you, but only because you purport to have an old steel framed racing bike...
MacBludgeon said:My preference would be for the cheery good morning option, however I hadn't reckoned on my fitness, or lack thereof, factor. My earliest efforts were attempted nods, easily missed due to my overall shaky demeanour, or the odd strangled grunt. It's gotten better, I can normally manage Hi, and have even stretched to the full good morning a couple of times. Most cyclists seem to acknowledge me though I got the impression I upset a keen roadie once.
Had a half day and was cycling in to work late morning, I tend to use my hearing a lot to judge when cars are approaching. So, was on a long quiet stretch, couldn't hear anything approaching, quick glance back, and chose to readjust a few things about myself. This caused some wobbles just as an exocet on a 'training' run powered past me. Definitely barked something at me, maybe I should have pointed out he shouldn't have been overtaking close enough for my wobble to upset him I chose not to catch him and explain manners, and offer my SMIDSY, possibly as he was going faster on the flat than I can manage downhill
Do you think people are ignoring you? There's only one thing that I can say "Next, please!"djtheglove said:maybe it's just me! (Have I got a funny face)? Maybe I am just not nodding vigorously enough? Or maybe every other B****r out there is completeley miserable? Or maybe it's the area in which I live?
I've never been very succesful at getting other cyclists to give me that courteous nod or smile! I don't expect a full on wave followed by a wobble as they try and control the bike!
Just the nod would be sufficient, there was one day when a couple of people gave me a friendly nod, funnily it was my first time out in the new lycra! Don't know if the two are related? Ever since then though nothing!
So how do others do it? Or are you the ones going around blanking me(paranoiad) sets in as the other CC'ers gang up!
Any suggestions gratefully recieved.
Radius said:I don't get the nod very much, because I'm always in my ultra fashionable going to school clothes and on a hybrid , and I don't administer the nod because I hardly see any cyclists going the other way! There's one guy who rides a fixie with short red bars who I'm sure purposefully ignores me every time I see him
I did give a different fixie (and no not that one [and not shortredbars either]) rider in lycra my dust up a hill the other day though, very small hill compared to Crystal Palace, but even so, he didn't look too pleased
djtheglove said:I am fast coming to the conclusion that fixies are slower than everyone else!
What is the point of them on the road?
djtheglove said:oh you bad, bad,bad Kitty, you've been checking me out!
I would also wave at you, not cos of your steed ! but because I have no mates!
djtheglove said:There where always some who would blank me so to get one back I developed a false wave where by I would raise my hand as if to wave and once they had taken the bate and where waving frantically in my direction I would finish the move by scratching my head! Worked everytime.
badkitty said:A-ha! Thats it! I do believe we've got to the root of your being ignored on the road problem. Its Karma for all those poor folk you offended whilst sailing. And you called me bad!
Case solved.