The non-Brompton thread

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Legendary Member
Enjoyed zipping into town for a counselling appointment. Haven't mixed it up with rush hour traffic for a while and the practice did me good, and every motorist was quite decent for a change so lots of cheery waves from me.

No problems folding up the old bus and taking it in to the consultation room :thumbsup:

I remain perpetually amazed at how fast the ID9 is and how well it rolls.


Legendary Member
Doctors yesterday, smiled sweetly at the receptionist and she opened the side door and let me stash the folder in the recepction office.

Then zipped a mile across town to meet mini D from school. With the school traffic it took a quarter the time it would have done driving and was hilarious fun. The blasted ID9 is just so fast, and I don't mean fast for a folder. It is simply a really quick bike.

Mini D was most pleased to see I had Foldy McFoldface with me and insisted on pushing it home.

The folder is really coming in to its own for this new fangled urban-ish lifestyle I'm leading, and I'm wondering if I'll ever get either of my other two remaining bikes out again.
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Active Member

I just bought this and waiting for delivery. I'm getting rid of the full-size folder (in my profile pic) because I lived the idea of the folder, but I didn't realise its full size, extremely heavy and takes up more space when folded than when not.

I like the idea of a proper folding bike so I can store it in my closet and use it when I need to take a train or combine it with my tube journey.

I looked at a Brompton, but I don't have Brompton money, and I far exceed the weightlimit. I'm glad to see more companies are doing folding bikes because a lot if people don't have Brompton money. I just wish they weren't pushing fat tyres as a normal thing in all of them. A folding bike doesn't fold as well with fat tyres.

Model pictured is the Virum Step. On of only two of their e-bikes that don't have Fat Tyres
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I just bought this and waiting for delivery. I'm getting rid of the full-size folder (in my profile pic) because I lived the idea of the folder, but I didn't realise its full size, extremely heavy and takes up more space when folded than when not.
That's not a full sized folder. The one in my profile pic is a full sized folder <puffs out chest and struts>

And I agree with you. It's *very* heavy!


Active Member
Ah ! Well I do have to admit that my arms do tire of carrying the Dahon when folded, and I keep it unfolded and on two wheels as much as possible.
Your comment did make me search my records, and I am embarressed to say that I haven't actually weighed the Dahon ... will report back as soon as I have. (I suspect that I may not like the number :ohmy: )

FWIW I have finally weighed two of my Dahon’s:
- Speed D9: 14,0 kg
- Speed P8: 13,0 kg
Neither is particularly light. Thank goodness they are ridden (much) more than they are carried !


Legendary Member
FWIW I have finally weighed two of my Dahon’s:
- Speed D9: 14,0 kg
- Speed P8: 13,0 kg
Neither is particularly light. Thank goodness they are ridden (much) more than they are carried !

11.6 kg for my ID9, rather less than Hellfrauds advertised it at, a fraction less than at typical folder-that-shall-not-be-mentioned such as an M6L.

Not bad for a 20" Tern style folder, perfectly easy to tote about the place.


Über Member
SW Leeds
11.6 kg for my ID9, rather less than Hellfrauds advertised it at, a fraction less than at typical folder-that-shall-not-be-mentioned such as an M6L.

Not bad for a 20" Tern style folder, perfectly easy to tote about the place.

I weighed my ID9 at 11.8kg but it has MKS folding pedals which I assume are a little heavier than the standard fit plastic items


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I may have found Halfords a new customer!

I mentioned elsewhere yesterday that I fell off my bike at the back of Todmorden police station. My tumble was witnessed by a man taking a cigarette break. I got chatting to him when he asked if I were okay.

I was passing by again today during his afternoon ciggie break and we continued our chat. He told me that he will be retiring soon and had been talking to his wife about selling one of the two family cars. He had toyed with buying a bike for flat rides to the shops but was shocked at some of the prices he'd seen. I told him that many bikes are crazily expensive but for his purposes something like the Halfords 8-speed folder for about £350 could be ideal. He was intrigued by that and said that he would go and take a look at one. Foldability would be handy for storage at home.

If I ever spot him riding about on one I will report back below!
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