The new improved Lance Armstrong discussion thread.*

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The Glue that binds us together.
Don't know if it's been on before.



rich p

ridiculous old lush
The Spanish are after him too

and the blood bags may be revealed too

Munoz said that she would follow up on that case when the trial was finished.
“On the day the Fuentes trial ends, I will, as director of the Spanish anti-doping agency, request the judge to give me all documents, evidence and blood bags. And then we will not stop doing everything we can to punish the dopers.”


Über Member
I think I will wait to see just how much stomach the Spanish will have for fully checking these blood bags from this case - it might just see their sporting history shattered.


Über Member
On another point I see we are now up to page 135

Who was this guy this thread started talking about at the beginning? Was he a cyclist at one point ?


On another point I see we are now up to page 135

Who was this guy this thread started talking about at the beginning? Was he a cyclist at one point ?
Well with or without the juice he was probably a better cyclist than you ! ;)


Über Member
2382562 said:
You will need to give us a lot of detail to be able to judge that one properly.

F@&k me!

Never expected to have to justify my self against him. I think I once lied about breaking a lampshade when I was a kid, but certainly don't remember carrying out the worst sporting fraud in history.

I am off to confession.


back and brave
Anyone still following this story and with enough patience might like to wade through the SCA v LA/Tailwind petition!

Um, no. Can you summarise? ;)

I could probably bob over to 'The Clinic' for a summary but I'd probably have to read pages of Armstrong being the anti-christ too!

rich p

ridiculous old lush
There are a few interesting bits.
SCA assert that Armstrong WAS Tailwind so he can't hide behind, " It was them, not me"
"Mr Armstrong is the alter ego of Tailwind. There is no separation..."

There are some pretty uncategorical quotes from Armstrong, Stapleton and his lawyers at the 2005(?) hearing that if doping was ever proven they agreed that the money would have to be returned. Tim Herman, "...and we don't dispute that"
"and if some day that result changes....SCA's liability to Tailwind doesn't exist! - Bill Stapleton
Stapleton also says that if he were to ever be proved to have doped/defrauded then Armstrong would owe Tailwind the money who in turn would owe SCA.

They also ask that Tailwind be put into receivership to protect its only asset which is its claim against LA.
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