Oh heck!
Set fire to the Commanding Officers' best mess dress while he wearing in it. That got me an invite to his office, first thing on the Monday morning and coffee was not offered.
Glided a loaded tank transporter into someone’s living room whilst on tour in Germany, brake failure, not my fault, Guv, honest
Got caught with the CO's eldest daughter, by the CO.
Got caught with the CO's younger daughter by the eldest daughter. (both over 18 years old I hasten to add) Strange I got a short notice posting to the desert after that.
Got kidnapped by the Navy on the Falkland Islands and spent 3 days at sea in a submarine, well we did have their flag so I supposed there was some justification. Different CO, he extended my tour (aka ''stagging on') on the Islands by 28 days as punishment not for ‘borrowing’ the flag for allowing myself to be kidnapped. Harsh, just too harsh.
There are more but I think of these as some of my most memorable contributions to military life