The Monumental C**k Up Thread.

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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
The Tower of Babel

A great success , particularly with all the merchandise sold.


Evri.... Say no more....
Bradford and bingley....
Northern Rock...
Equitable life

Etc, etc.

I worked for a company that was taken over by Bradford & Bingley, a very interesting 2 years, thankfully I got out before it all imploded.


Did you have to wear a bowler hat to work?

Yes, just the hat and a pair of shoes


Kilometre nibbler
Oh don't me started on public sector IT procurement! :biggrin:
Mind you people go on about public sector incompetence and inefficiency. The private sector (well the medium/large corporates) is just as bad but with nicer suits! :laugh:

Nicer suits and less publicity as it's not public money.

Back in the 90s I was working for one of the big IT consultancies and our clients were big multinationals. The number of huge IT initiatives that I saw canned and the millions of dollars that went down the drain was shocking. We'd all be beavering away against impossible deadlines and there would be a big meeting called. We would all troop in and be told "relax guys, project has been binned".

And I wore nice suits in those days. ;)
Stuttgart has a huge railway station project "Stuttgart 21" (I think the 21 refers to the 21st century, not to 2021) that keeps getting delayed. I think the latest date is Dec next year. I don't think it's quite on a par with Brandenburg airport but it's up there.

I don't know much about it except for the fact that it explained why Stuttgart station was such a dump when I was there last time, so I did a bit of reading.

To be fair it looks like it will be pretty good if it does eventually get finished.

We've been dealing with this ballsup for over a decade now: the people of Stuttgart are heartily sick of it: every time I go to catch a train there's a different entrance, usually a long way from the last one. As @Dogtrousers says, it meant the old station wasn't refurbished, and the new one will probably have less capacity and certainly less recovery space if there's a delay or points failure.

The problem is that Stuttgart is the only German city built in a valley, and the current station covers a fairly large area of very valuable land, and the government of the time thought hey (and possibly some of their rich chums) could make a lot of money selling it off. That government was booted out of office, and we had a referendum, but under the state constitution the referendum had to be held in the whole state, not just one city, and of course people elsewhere thought it was jolly good that there was investment in the rail system, so we're stuck with it.

This of course isn't the main issue: the main issue is that @Dogtrousers was in Stuttgart and didn't come for a cup of tea. I am mightily offended.

Yellow Fang

Legendary Member
Track and trace - £37bn c*ck up.
The SA-80 assault rifle.
The new Wembley stadium was over budget and late.
The cancellation of the TSR2.
The de Havilland Comet
The new Microsoft Teams/One Drive work prevention package; designed by technicians for technicians and where productivity dies.

Worse, the "IT support" can't see the problem and are getting increasingly defensive at the avalanche of frustrated calls (because emails don't work). They aren't doing anything about the actual problem; just telling people that it's "simple if you just use it how you're supposed to".

We've taken to storing everything we need on a USB stick because otherwise it's inaccessible when we come back for it. We can't even email a file without jumping through half a dozen hoops, so now every time someone else needs a file we have to run upstairs with a stick so they can upload it, then save it on their stick...
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