There is now a huge stockpile of posh gents clothing awaiting unleashing on my Birthday in less than 2 weeks. Tweed, jackets, waistcoats, flat caps, shorts, tired joggers and threadbare T shorts will be forever consigned to the bin.
I'll be keeping a couple for working on the van,doing the gardening, etc.
I'll be keeping a couple for working on the van,doing the gardening, etc.
I don't have one any more, but did have a bump cap when I was a SAR volunteer.
Our local dibble went over to them after I'd retired, but then went back to tit hats and flat caps when a newnchief came along, doubtless each change being at vast expense.
If only they'd let you keep it! Imagine wearing such a thing these days as a general daily wear item!When I joined I was one of the last to be issued a great coat, althlugh i never got to wear it - by the time I'd done my 18 weeks training theyd been phased out and I had to return it.
I'm laying in bed in a pair of well worn Y fronts of 1973 vintage.
I'm sat here in myflatapartmentwearing a Cordings three piece suit, Loake 1880 brown brogues, shirt and tie etc and feeling quite at peace with myself, while drinking Harveys Bristol cream with maraschino cherries! 🧐
Lounging about in my louche Gorilla 'onesie' with half a glass of Banks' dark mild, some silver skin onions & cubed hard strong cheddar