style over speed
riding a f**king bike
I'm new to cycling and it seems to me that the sentiments expressed in this blog typified by Delzzeq when he says "I suspect that this is a putsch by a bunch of self-publicising self-gratification artists, and that sense will prevail..." - is what is wrong.
For years it seems to me London cyclists have been divided over whether to segregate or not segregate but how much has this in-fighting actually helped in practical terms? How far, for example, has London come since the 80s or 90s if you are a cyclist?
Not very far is the answer -only about 2% of the population cycle in a city that is largely flat - and the reason for this is that it is mostly down to people like Delzzeq who want to keep it the way that it is.
This is not good enough and I for one think the Go Dutch Campaign is a fantastic idea. It is about reaching the latent majority who do actually want to get out on their bikes but consider the idea of cycling in London too dangerous. For me it is about changing the mentality and normalising cycling and for that you have to start somewhere. Picking holes in the idea on a blog from your bedroom is a blind cul-de-sac.
^ the Go Dutch campaign is exactly about this, to invite the 90% of people who don't use a bike for transport to be able use it as a safe and convenient way to get around in normal gear, at least 25% of people want to do this right away but are rightly put off by the dreadful conditions people have to contend with. Segregation is a blind alley, dutch planning only segregates where needed, not as prescription, ie only for major roads.