The "How Much?" / "Having a Giraffe!" Café thread...

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There's a shop called Defty's in Spennymoor that's probably the only 'old school' hardware shop that I can think of now. When I was a lad there was Kell's in Chilton, another typical hardware shop. It was near the end of Eden Terrace on the main road (the old A1 before it became the A167). The shop was far deeper than it looked from the front, going way back with a ramp up to the latter half. Lino floors, everything in shades of brown and beige and the wonderful smell of a paraffin heater. It sold everything as you'd expect including bike stuff. I'm pretty sure back then (early seventies) every village had one similar.

There used to be a similar shop in the next village along (Littleport). Alas it closed quite some time ago, but it was preserved as it was the day the business closed, and is now a local folk museum.


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
I've been looking at buying some little springs again, which is what kicked off this thread... what was £2.99 is now £4.99 for a single small spring. Fortunately i can buy a set of six for 50p less than that particular Fleabay seller :okay:

Chris S

Legendary Member
Anybody want to buy a 'busk' for £90? :smile:


Heavy Metal Fan

And £1600 for a pair of shorts. What has the world come to?
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