The Frugality Thread

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If 6 Was 9
Same here, bathroom needs to be clean. I would imagine mellow yellow increases build up of limescale etc.

Isn't urine acidic? In which case it would deter limescale build up.


Isn't urine acidic? In which case it would deter limescale build up.

Limescale doesn't really build up on porcelain though does it? Taps, metal yes but not sure ive seen it on porcelain.
What concentrated urine does is slowly clog pipes with uric crystals. Tbf, I've seen entire pipes clogged with it but they tend to be on works toilets, not likely at home.
Nevertheless, personally I wouldn't leave pee in the toilet. It seems to get concentrated, stale, then when you pee, droplets of that more concentrated pee end up on your carpets as you flush the toilet. Watch in the sunlight as you flush, you'll always see droplets flying around.


If 6 Was 9
Limescale doesn't really build up on porcelain though does it? Taps, metal yes but not sure ive seen it on porcelain.
What concentrated urine does is slowly clog pipes with uric crystals. Tbf, I've seen entire pipes clogged with it but they tend to be on works toilets, not likely at home.
Nevertheless, personally I wouldn't leave pee in the toilet. It seems to get concentrated, stale, then when you pee, droplets of that more concentrated pee end up on your carpets as you flush the toilet. Watch in the sunlight as you flush, you'll always see droplets flying around.

Carpets in a toilet? Never!
Healthy food is much more expensive than junk food, which is one reason why it's so difficult to get the poor to eat a better diet. The CEDAR centre at Cambridge University did a study a while ago, which found that the average cost per calorie of healthy foodstuffs with an FSA Nutrient Profile Score below four was three times that of less heathly food.
This is a plot of cost per 1000kcals vs NPS for the foodstuffs in my diet, you can clearly see that the average trend overall is that more healthy = more expensive.

View attachment 661560

This study found that taxing unhealthy food actually increases deaths from cancer and cardiovascular disease, but taxing and using the revenue to subsidise the cost of healthy food saves lives.

Agree. Go to any restaurant or cafe and the healthy stuff is so much more expensive for the ingredients used. They do it as zealous health conscious people are prepared to pay more which typically means the wealthier end of town.

The better approach is buy fresh vegetables and use less meat to cook it yourself. For base and to be filling, you would need stuff couscous, lentils and tofu. Rice and pasta is also good as a base. The big challenge is trying our news recipes as the stuff that brings these combinations together. There are lazy days when I do pasta and tuna and its great. Turning fresh veg to a sumptuous meal tends to be hard work for me.
until I learnt to stir fry with oyster sauce accompanied with rice.

Here is one - broccoli and beef strip combo with oyster sauce with rice. Cheap as hell. 5 min prep, 10 stir fry max.



As long as I breathe, I attack.
Doesnt the bathroom/toilet begin to smell though? Our toilet is flushed after every time and various things thrown down like bleach/ zoflora etc as I hate funny nasty smells. Urine does smell, theres no two ways about it. Also what if a guest came and saw a loo full of urine? Its not very nice and they would tell people as well.

ours does but mini ck 1 is a devil for missing the bowl and leaving a puddle to dry , then blaming the toilet as it "leaks " just for them .I have to bleach the floor a couple of times a week
Living alone, my bugbear is buying food in quantities that I can use up before it goes off, so I generally avoid short dated stuff.

Splitting packs out and freezing, along with batch cooking is your friend. As is avoiding stuff with a short shelf life like bagged salads, pre-chopped fruit & veg. And anything that looks tired gets consigned to soups, curries and fruit puddings.

It's just mum and me here, so very conscious about food waste. Though I'll agree that shopping for one is much more of a challenge, as typically, the bigger the pack, the better the value.

One particular example... Tesco sells sliced corned beef in their chilled deli selection. A pack with four slices costs £2, while a pack with ten slices costs £3.10. Incidentally, the corned beef at £3.10 is much of a muchness pricewise as the canned corned beef.


Über Member
given the gender dysphoria , autism and kidney failure mini ck1 gets a bit of leeway

How are things with your son now, I hope things are a bit better than before. Could you ask him to wipe up any misses with loo roll/spray or a mop and bucket etc, whatever you do in your house?
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