The Football.....

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Pulling through
I agree with the first bit and I'm a bit sad to see him go but it's time. I think Rafa would be a mistake though. His time had come too and he just wasn't producing the goods anymore admittedly under different owners but....
Rafa had his faults but for me the different owners and the bloody politics were the critical factor.

Whoever's next though, it has to be someone we can get behind for two or three years while we prepare to challenge again. Let's face it, we're unlikely to break into the top four next season, the club was seriously broken by the Texan regime and there's at least five who are are way ahead of us now. My fear is we'll be inthe same position this time next year, looking for a new manager.


Dog on a bike
That's why we need to take out time. I feel that Hodgson was a bit of a rushed appointment and so to an extent was Kenny. KD's legacy will be a club that is more united than when he took over though and he should be thanked for that at least.


Corn Fed Hick...
...on the slake
...what about mick mcCarthy? you reckon there are odds on him

Remember Roy Keane's measured and restrained assessment of McCarthy...

"Mick, you're a liar … you're a f***ing w*nker. I didn't rate you as a player, I don't rate you as a manager, and I don't rate you as a person. You're a f***ing w*nker and you can stick your World Cup up your arse. The only reason I have any dealings with you is that somehow you are the manager of my country! You can stick it up your bollocks."

"Stick it up your bollocks" classic!
Jurgen Klopp or Marcelo Bielsa please - the first could be a great thing, but he's unlikely to come having just won the Bundesliga - the latter could well be a disaster, but it would be a glorious, goal-filled, entertaining disaster.
Sacking Kenny Dalgleish is a Kop out. Should have sacked Gerard instead.

Don't start, I know nothing about soccer, but why do managers always get the sack for players obviously playing badly, lazily or in an uncommitted fashion, without team ethos or spirit?
Players perhaps should get 'the average wage' and only start getting paid by results. Spectators will benefit surely?
Also, anyone committing a deliberate foul should be off the field for ten minutes - as in rugby football. That will curb cynicism. Bad mouthing of the referee will incur a ten metre distance penalty / and loss of player for ten minutes etc...therefore giving the responsibility for behaviour back to the player - not adding to the blame of the referee and whatever the blokes who wave flags are called these days. Anyone writhing around / trying to gain unfair advantage etc to be reviewed by TV and stopped from playing in their next game. All this is already in operation in other team sports and soccer is scared of being exposed as deceitful it seems, relying on bluster, distraction or the Arsene Wenger defence <shrug of shoulders> "I did not see the incident but the referee clearly had a good view" or his other version "that was clearly a penalty and I think the referee made a poor decision. We will be interested in seeing the replays" etc. Often, when listening to the radio, people talk about being 'interested in seeing the replays'. Why, with such belief, does this sport drag its feet so badly. Millions of people really care about their teams - if it was made more accountable then everyone would care more about the sport. Even I might watch and learn something.
Good luck Chelsea, and may it be an enjoyable game for those who watch. Don't forget to cast an eye over Leinster v Ulster as a mouth-watering contest in the European Rugby Cup final at 5pm on Saturday. Ulster are achieving through teamwork. It may not be enough against Leinster...and if you're not doing anything on Friday evening there's more team sport in the Amlin Cup Final. Biarritz v Toulon.

PS And, as managers that get sacked for being useless at one team, seem to be saviours-in-waiting for the next managerless team that pops up, surely Liverpool will be looking closely at Average Villas Boas Sp? or what about Sven Eric Gordunsson / Fablon Capello - so many options for a team on the up!


Legendary Member
ooohhhh!!!!!! still smarting.........

Which proves what, exactly? What have YOUR team won (and if you don't have a team, don't bother posting)? And if you have a team, your team have ALWAYS finished above this position, have they? My team haven't finished outside the top eight in more than sixty years. No other team can make that claim, not in our country anyway.

So you want me to rescind my support now because of that, do you? You think I'll give up? You think my inborn support is dependent on finishing position? Dream on you know-nowt deadleg.

I had THREE visits to Wembley in the last three months; my team knocked Manchester United, Manchester City and Chelsea out of two cup competitions and beat Chelsea three times out of four this season, or did you conveniently forget that? My team's captain has just been made captain of England. That'll make you proud won't it?

And if you do have a team but don't go to the matches, how exactly is it that you 'support' them? Liking them off the telly? How munificent of you.

Let's have your cards on the table before I'll be taking anything you write with anything other than scorn.


Dog on a bike
Jesus, 'Teef are you feeling alright? I think that's the first serious post I've ever seen from you :smile:


Dog on a bike
My team haven't finished outside the top eight in more than sixty years. No other team can make that claim, not in our country anyway.
Ok I'm a Liverpool fan and always have been. But.... if you're going to start arguing the cause for our club you could at least learn our illustrious history. In 1961 we were playing in the second division which is a great deal lower than 8th.

This lack of knowledge, particularly of the Shankly era, just leaves you open to attack from fans of lesser clubs.
Jesus, 'Teef are you feeling alright? I think that's the first serious post I've ever seen from you :smile:
not entirely serious surely - do we need fake blood capsules, eye gouging and whatever the hell they get up to in scrums in our wonderful game?

I'm not entirely unbiased though - don't know what it is about rugby but it just leaves me completely cold, I'll watch any sport, even crown green bowls, but put rugby on and I switch off completely, I tried to watch the WC final where Wilkinson kicked the winner - turned off after 10 minutes to watch masterchef.
Heathen!!! I have 3 separate DVDs of that game and it's still regularly watched in the 235 household. Ahhh, the glory days!
ha ha, it just bores me, plus I'm not really pre-disposed to the game after going to a college that had a very active rugby club (so "active" in fact that they got banned en masse from all student union buildings for sexual harassment....) who caused havoc in every pub and function round the campus.


Legendary Member
Ok I'm a Liverpool fan and always have been. But.... if you're going to start arguing the cause for our club you could at least learn our illustrious history. In 1961 we were playing in the second division which is a great deal lower than 8th.

This lack of knowledge, particularly of the Shankly era, just leaves you open to attack from fans of lesser clubs.
I have NO lack of knowledge from the Shankly era. I saw my first game at Anfield in 1964 and have been watching them ever since and have had two season tickets for more than thirty years so I'll take no lessons about that from anyone. I meant FIFTY years so forgive me if I don't apologise all over the place for a teensy miscalculation.
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