I nearly swallowed my tongue last night when Carlos Costly scored fro Honduras. The useless twonk never came remotely close to scoring for us (Birmingham) in 12 attempts. Then, strangely, I got really drawn into the game, more than any other except for the England games, and I ended up watching the whole thing until 00:30. Absolutely loved the attitude of both sets of fans - genuine naive wonderment at even being at a World Cup, and they sang their hearts out for their teams. Genuine tears of joy from Ecuador fans at the end. Wonderful stuff. To me, that's why I love football.
It's been a great World Cup so far (despite England's results).The best thing? No f**king vuvuzelas to drown out the songs and the humour from the stands. Love the chants of "Oooooooooooh ......Burro !" from the Mexicans every time the goalies take a big donkey kick, and it's always nice to hear the different singing. In South Africa it all just sounded like a couple of dozen mopeds being joy-ridden round in endless circles. As a result, I really don't remember anything else from that World Cup except for the final. It's the people who make the event.