And what were the nobber pundits blabbering on about claiming that Mueller was in some way responsible for Pepe getting sent off? Responsible in the sense that he got pushed in the face and then had a headbutt directed at him? Utter twonks.
Muller did make the most of it though,
Muller did make the most of it though,
He did indeed, a yellow would have been sufficient punishment IMO, although Pepe is a long term proven dunce. I thought Portugal were pretty good after HT, they were denied a penalty (+sending off) that might have seen them win the 2nd half. Germany did look impressive though.
Rubbish, he headbutted him. That's a red card.
Bottom line is he tried to twat him with his head - off.
It's not Mueller's fault the bloke was sent off.
Don't disagree with this at all, but, it was classic footballer behavior...the slightest of touches and he reacts as if he's been struck by a bullet.