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- ...I don't have much idea - really.
In the latest chapter of 'Blame the Manager', Ian Holloway refuses to 'discuss the future'...AKA getting the sack! Here. I find this amusing, as managers are oft keen to say how their Club must 'look to the future' etc - but not them! It's a funny game, which I have tried to get to grips with this season...As soon as a drop of Heineken Cup rugby starts though, the inevitable 'work ethic'/discipline comparisons come to mind. Why is football authority so far behind other professional team sports? Of all the games I have tried to follow this year, the only one that engaged me fully was Everton v Chelsea, which I think ended 1-1?
I'll go for Arsenal or Chelsea this year then!
even though I must be a Man Utd fan as I live in NW London. Talking of Arsenal Wenger, there is an article about him and his counterpart, Jurgen Klip-Klopp in today;s Guardian - written by one of my favourite sports commentators, Barney Ronay.
Anyway, the sooner the lily-livered tosspots of the FA bring in the 10 minutes in the bin for a yellow card, and 10 metres advance for dissent, the quicker and more watchable the game would become. Add in Club and player retrospective sanction for ALL cheating (One gets 'caught' commiting crimes on grainy ole CCTV - what the devil is so difficult about HD evidence from multiple angles?!!!) and suddenly the sport will have worldwide appeal! What?
I'll go for Arsenal or Chelsea this year then!

Anyway, the sooner the lily-livered tosspots of the FA bring in the 10 minutes in the bin for a yellow card, and 10 metres advance for dissent, the quicker and more watchable the game would become. Add in Club and player retrospective sanction for ALL cheating (One gets 'caught' commiting crimes on grainy ole CCTV - what the devil is so difficult about HD evidence from multiple angles?!!!) and suddenly the sport will have worldwide appeal! What?