I've had a glance at Arsenal's domestic (League) fixtures from Saturday until the early summer. As far as I can tell, they will play each of the other top-twenty clubs twice in that time period - once at home (London) and once away (various locations).
The chaps in charge of football are currently giving three goals for a win and one for a dead heat, with none for a loss.
I've done some calculations and I see all thirty-eight fixtures as winnable by the Mighty Gunners, with perhaps one or two being pushed to a draw if the other side have a good day or if the umpire is off his game.
Heaven forbid somebody might beat Arsenal, but I've had a good look at the side and I think them a smashing bunch of chaps. They are unlikely to lose a game this season. If they do, it is likely one of the other sides will lose at some stage to even things up.
As to the FA Cup, of course one never knows whom one will draw, but I can't see another team (particularly one from the regions) upsetting Arsenal here either. Home or away, I think they will prevail through a combination of guile, skill, determination and teamwork.
So that's the Premiership and the FA Cup sewn up for this season. Any thoughts on who might get silver or runner-up in either competition?