I think it would be a reason to increase his punishment that I would agree with. The FA are saying that isn't their reason though and the only reason to disbelieve them so far is that they are serial liars.
I don't trust them either but that doesn't mean I automatically disbelieve everything they say.
I want more consistency in their decisions but it didn't look like they will change anytime soon.
I am a Liverpool fan but I consider myself fair enough that it's not affecting my viewpoint in this instance. After all I agree with the punishment, I just don't agree with their reasons though. If they had said what you have, that it's a cumulative punishment it would make more sense.
We appear to have started off in vague disagreement, but have been on the same wavelength!
It must be very frustrating to have a player of Suarez's quality, who doesn't appear capable of screwing the nut.
I would wish you luck this afternoon, but the majority of my friends are of a Newcastle persuasion so that would seem dis-ingenuous. Although my sister-in-law's boyfriend is a Liverpool fan and has her hooked accordingly so I'd like them to be able to enjoy their day too. What a dilemma!
For my sins, I am a Kilmarnock fan. I am hoping that we batter Aberdeen to restore some faith after the train-wreck which has been our previous month.