. Belgium have won f*ck all, ever, and yet are #2? .
Didn't Belgium come THIRD / 3rd in the last/previous World Cup, as in "third" ?????
Wasn't THAT the one where they (metaphorically), "Ar$e-Waxed" England's football team,
TWICE ?????
(We were $hit - They WERE GOOD = TWICE !!!!!!!
F.I.F.A = "always" vastly over-rate MY nation's team (England) & yet we too, have won S.F.A ("sweet-Fk-all"), in years....
On THAT strength, I'm not surprised that Belgium ARE "ranked No.2" , not remotely !
Last time I ever saw England actually BEAT Belgie (in a worthwhile comp'), wuz waaaaay back in 1990 - (
32+ years ago , F.F.S)
Even then, our team struggled, pitifully - taking things over into "extra-time"
A dull & tedious match - And also a "dull & tedious extra time"
DULL Deadlock = only broken by that (admittedly) superb David Platt "wonder goal volley"