Ok, please check
these results - I'm having trouble with numbers today - but Brodie top scored with 4 points thanks to getting an elusive 3 point for a correct result, and I shrugged off last week's drought.
Spartak 12
Brodiej 12
Mark st1 10
deptfordmarmoset 8
ianrauk 6
Andrew_P 6
AndyRM 5
Remember, it's time for another team to be added - I'm taking the first nomination.
I'd originally said newcomers would get the average score rounded down to the nearest whole number - this was so that they wouldn't be dissuaded by having to start way down the bottom. However, that's a bit unfair as they would come in on joint 4th position. Would getting the lowest player's score be fairer on existing players? Alternatively, we could give all players the opportunity to make, say, 3 strategic ''substitutions'' - whereby if they're trailing they can choose the best moment to reset their score to the average. Or any other ideas?