I sometimes lean with my head against the wall in those situations.
That doesn't enable you to hit the target in the dark though, does it?
I sometimes lean with my head against the wall in those situations.
That doesn't enable you to hit the target in the dark though, does it?
Sit down and relax as suggested by @presta. Your body will adapt.
LED Toilet Bathroom Night Light - had one of these for a few years nowThat doesn't enable you to hit the target in the dark though, does it?
That doesn't enable you to hit the target in the dark though, does it?
Sound location!
I don't know if many male riders have yet encountered this problem yet but it is becoming an annoying thing here at home !
Mod Note:
Why is this in General Cycling lol?
Is it only male cyclist that suffer? What about male academics/boxers/shop assistants?
Whatever, I'm moving the thread to cafe ... or maybe the health section?
They've moved my thread! It's a good job I wasn't desperate!
It's those stupid, modern plastic seats.
Get one in Reynolds steel.