Electric SUVs are welcome, although they don't go very well on the mandatory lumberjack shirt, and none have a quoted wading capacity for some strange reason...
Christmas gig today and we have to move a PA, four monitors, four amps, a 4 x 12 cab, mixing desk, drum kit, 5 guitars, 2 basses, 3 pedal boards, 3 mics and stands, enough cables to span a small ocean, and a stool.
Between the 5 of us we have my XC90, a Rangie P400e, and XC60 and a Porker Macan (bigger than it appears). Even with all that mighty luggsge space its still like playing a game of 3D tetris. Would have had no hope if we all drove normies.
Only our rhythm guitarist has a normie. An interesting story there. He ordered an Infiniti just before Nissan pulled the brand from the UK. Its a big old Jap lux-O-barge. A few days later they rang him and offered him a second car. He declined on the basis he couldn't afford it. No, they said, its for free. Turned out they had no dealers left to sell them and still had 10 or so cars in UK stock. Whatever they did they were going to make a loss, so they just gave them away. So my man got 2 brand new Infiniti's for the price of 1. Big old things, similar footprint and weight to an SUV.