The CC Trig Point bagger thread, now incorporating other interesting geographs

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Bobby Mhor

Legendary Member
Behind You
Bit quiet on the Trigging front here recently, but yesterday, as my car was in a garage for some work, I went for a hike around Ampthill.
I'd checked the databases for where to look, so had a route planned.

View attachment 352805

First stop was No.1, Bedford Street for Flush Bracket 2286, cunningly hidden behind a couple of wheely bins! :smile:

View attachment 352804

It's now a fireplace shop, having been, by the looks of it, a Pub.

I didn't bother with FB2287 at the nearby Drill Hall as it's inaccessible. :sad:

After a couple of miles walk, I was in Maulden to see if I could see FB2285 that is on a private house at 74 Amptill Road. It's all fenced off and inaccessible :sad:

Up a footpath and through a farm and swarm of flies, I was on my way to Ampthill Reservoir for a rivet.

View attachment 352806

TP22419 is much easier to stand on than a full sizeTP :whistle:

View attachment 352807

It's hidden atop the block building :smile:

View attachment 352803

I did check Houghton House, a 17th century ruin, as I was nearby, but didn't find any benchmarks.

View attachment 352811

A quite successful mission concluded with a 5 mile walk into the bargain!

Nice one(s)..
I've been afar, still to get images off phone...

Bobby Mhor

Legendary Member
Behind You
The one I may have located, finally.
(by height ASL)
Newtyle, Railway Bridge.
Newtyle, Railway Bridge (337 x 599).jpg

This mark was above it,
any ideas?
Newtyle, Railway Bridge odd symbol (337 x 599).jpg

I thought a rune type or have I read too much Tolkien?

Bobby Mhor

Legendary Member
Behind You
Excellent detective work, Sir:okay:
I'd kinda half-thought masons mark..
I got asked what I was photographing a CBM on a church building, a local resident had assumed a mason leaving his mark.
I'll be back in the area soon and must look out at the other bridges to see if the same.

I spent far too much time trying to locate the bridge in the database and finally got it tracked down by height ASL (I hope).

Tim Hall

Used my awesome super power and scored another today, on the subway near my Dad's house.
2017-05-21 12.43.28.jpg


The subway is on Route 21 of the NCN and the Avenue Vert, which theoretically runs from London to Paris,if you include a ferry crossing. It used to be badly signposted, resulting in bemused cyclo tourists wandering around in a lost fashion. Dad redirected several of them. One day I spied a a neatly hand written sign with the legend "AVENUE VERTE ICI" and a useful arrow poiting down the subway. I recognised the handwriting, having grown up with it. Dad, guerilla signposter. Anyway, that sign has been replaced by this one, which looks rather nice:
2017-05-21 12.43.38.jpg

Tim Hall

My granddaughter and I were out on the 'Oxford Classic' ride in aid of breast cancer today.. Not to be deterred by the fund raising side of the event, I checked out the church adjacent to the pub at the half way point..

View attachment 353431

View attachment 353432

And there it was... a weather worn benchmark on Ardington church.

The Force is strong in this one.

Bobby Mhor

Legendary Member
Behind You
On passed ones Mummy's first cousin (twice removed apparently) stately pile side gate
but no marks there or on main gate area.
glamis (600 x 337).jpg

Peasants, note that is just the side gate..

Passed these yesterday on my race from Dundee to the home of that big drop of piss who plays tennis,

Wormit(honest!), Railway Bridge
wormit (500 x 281).jpg

wormit bridge.jpg

Apparently, a FB was below me, DOH.

S of Bridge of Earn, Bridge
BoE correct (281 x 500).jpg

BoE br.jpg

Bobby Mhor

Legendary Member
Behind You
Scored two today using the "glance at a bridge and hope" method. My chum was a little bemused as I stopped to take photos of seemingly innocuous brickwork. I'll post pics later.
I tried to explain this to my sis in law who just looked like 'What?'...
The best method it seems,
I've some still to 'log' but the last couple (outwith my local area) have been reasonably accurate.

Just about to go check out more :laugh:, randomly.
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