Puzzle game procrastinator!
- Location
- Todmorden - Yorks/Lancs border
Reminds me of a mate of mine who, thoroughly mashed, ended up backstage after a gig by ... [??? - it was 45 years ago - I can't remember!]. He tried talking to someone who he knew was the lead singer of the band, a band who up until that evening he was a big fan of. The very un-nice young chap looked up with a scowl on his face, told my mate to eff off, and threw a pint of beer over him!Reminds me of my younger sister who, thoroughly mashed, once managed to blag her way backstage after a Ramones gig. Got talking to a very nice young chap, eventually asking him what his connection was. He looked slightly taken aback and said 'I'm with the band'. Thinking he looked like a roady or something she asked what he did with the band. This time he looked more than taken aback: 'I'm the lead singer,' he said.