The Bassist and Guitarist thread

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Legendary Member
Interesting. Had a text from Mrs D. A work colleague has an Ibanez bass for sale that I might be interested in. She's going to fetch it in tomorrow for Mrs D to bring home and show me. Was her ex BF's, but he cleared off years ago with a younger model and left a load of his gear behind. Gotta be worth a nosey.


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
Bass Line :smile:

Interesting. Had a text from Mrs D. A work colleague has an Ibanez bass for sale that I might be interested in. She's going to fetch it in tomorrow for Mrs D to bring home and show me. Was her ex BF's, but he cleared off years ago with a younger model and left a load of his gear behind. Gotta be worth a nosey.
I would love an Ibanez Yamaha strat copy is well, a bit Datsun.
Erm, no...


Legendary Member
Enjoying the bass. Learning the scales as quickly as I can, and theres enough familiarity with the positioning between guitar and bass that I'm picking it up pretty fast. Starting to learn some basslines to a few choons, so getting into it.

It's already begun....the mods, that is. I've bought this wondrous beast for 5p quid, but I'm guessing it was about £300 when new. Thats good enough to play well, but not quite good enough that all the cosmetics will be first class. And so it is with the control knobs, nickel plated things that clearly aren't top drawer material. I've ordered some clear and black Les Paul types to replace them, nicer finished and less garish.

And I've ordered a tug bar, which I'll use in the finger rest position. Though I'm doing better at fingering (fnarr!!!) 4 strings than I was 6, I'm rattling away best with a pick so that'll aid me there.

Mrs D is going to get me a pukka bass amp for Crimbo, the I'd quite like an acoustic bass...and then a Steinberger...


Well-Known Member
I learned to play guitar first and graduated to playing in a number of bands before seeing the light and switching to bass guitar, which I also played live. Technically there are sufficient similarities to make initial switching easy enough but bass, like guitar, can become very complicated! My set up is a German made Warwick Corvette 4-string played through a Trace Elliot 300 watt solid state combo, although the amp might be considered a bit old hat these days but I love it - got to watch the volume levels when played at home though. Keep at it, Drago, bass is very rewarding and well worth the effort - don't let the heretics tell you that bass is in any way secondary to the guitar!
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Legendary Member
Thank you! I do worry that I'm being lulled into a false sense of security, ready to hit a wall at some later time! But it is just similar enough with the tuning to be familiar, I can read music - albeit I'm badly out of practice - and I'm fast developing the ear, which I think may be the most important thing. I can already rack out the basslines to Rock Arouand the Clock and Bouree without much hassle, and over the weekend I'm going to have a crack at Black Dog.


Legendary Member
Quedgeley, Glos
Isn't bass guitar music written in bass clef? Never could get the hang of that!

What I really really want next is a tenor or baritone sax.

I'm currently enjoying playing a bit of tenor when I'm not picking a guitar. It's great fun and not too loud. I'm struggling to memorise stuff though. Unlike a guitar where you can get by with patterns, on the sax you have to know the notes.

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