Oh well not going to happen for me this year.
I woke up with a sore throat on New year's day - with a cold I thought. A few days later the sore throat went and I had what I would call an upper respiratory infection - a normal course of events as I have asthma. A few days later developed a cough - so wondered about a test but as the symptoms had started quite a few day previously the booking system didn't seem to allow me to book a test. Who knows, but a month later and I still feel a bit shoot and although the cough has gone I still get a bit of tightness in my chest and more asthma symptoms than normal. I am getting better slowly, a bit up an down. Last weekend I managed a 25km ride the only one this month. I have had a few short walks that is it. The last couple of short walks I felt really tired when I finished. Don't want to risk a 50km ride today in this weather not sure I could even make it. Give it a little longer, some better weather and I expect I will be back on the bike and all good. Will probably enter the lunacy challenge.
Tough luck. Oh, and snap - same kind of thing here!
A week ago I was getting short of breath walking up one flight of stairs! This was a week or two after displaying cold-like symptoms... Obviously, in the current situation it is very tempting to think 'Covid' but who knows?
I felt a bit better yesterday so I thought I would give myself a little test on my 6km local loop. It has 2 moderate hills, one ramp of about 10% for 100 metres, and a couple of shorter ramps that I can sprint up. Nothing much on a normal geared bike, but I use my singlespeed to make it more of a challenge. It DID feel a challenge. I got short of breath and felt a bit sick. I definitely felt better than I did last week, but it doesn't make sense for me to be pushing myself, and my cycling mojo has gone anyway.
I'm going to spend a few months doing enough to keep me moderately fit, try to lose some weight, and look forward to sunny post-vaccination rides.
It will be just the Lunacy distance and climbing challenges for me this year.
For those of you doing this one - good luck!