The 2021 Half Century (50km or 50m) a month challenge Chatzone

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Out this morning and did the reverse route of my previous ride. Very cold out at first which meant the riverside was very quiet indeed. I really enjoyed it today and felt good all the way round.

Looking like it may be pleasant tomorrow so may try for a 100k ride. Let's see how the legs feel later.
13 rider

13 rider

Out this morning and did the reverse route of my previous ride. Very cold out at first which meant the riverside was very quiet indeed. I really enjoyed it today and felt good all the way round.

Looking like it may be pleasant tomorrow so may try for a 100k ride. Let's see how the legs feel later.
Go on what's the definition of very cold in Taiwan ? Just to make us even more jealous
January Done.

I took advantage of the milder weather to set out on a localish loop around Loughborough, all routine stuff and familiar roads and purely done just to get a point on the board. All was great guns until my Wahoo died on me just outside Loughborough (A forced update wiped what data I did have on there once I’d got home) then I got a puncture on an unlit cycle path on the A6 towards Kegworth in the dark. I had to walk to a nearby pub about 3/4 mile up the road just so I could get some adequate light to change the tube as my bike light was blinking for low battery! And as I had my wheel and tyre off the heavens decided to open!
Once this crisis was averted I pushed on rapidly toward East Midlands airport and southbound back home. 33 miles to the good today.
13 rider

13 rider

January Done.

I took advantage of the milder weather to set out on a localish loop around Loughborough, all routine stuff and familiar roads and purely done just to get a point on the board. All was great guns until my Wahoo died on me just outside Loughborough (A forced update wiped what data I did have on there once I’d got home) then I got a puncture on an unlit cycle path on the A6 towards Kegworth in the dark. I had to walk to a nearby pub about 3/4 mile up the road just so I could get some adequate light to change the tube as my bike light was blinking for low battery! And as I had my wheel and tyre off the heavens decided to open!
Once this crisis was averted I pushed on rapidly toward East Midlands airport and southbound back home. 33 miles to the good today.
I'm not sure I can allow manual entries on Strava :laugh: . You know what they say if it's not on Strava it didn't happen :rolleyes:
Well done on getting your ride done


Doh, I've gone and done it now. If I can manage 5 points in January including a 50 miler, I'll need to do at least that in every other month (creaky body permitting) :rolleyes:

It was really mild today, might even have been double figures :ohmy:, I didn't need gloves or a vest. As it was forecast for -2 and snow tomorrow I thought I'd make the most of it. After 46 ish miles I did a couple of local loops and ended up at 49.99 miles at the end of our street where I'd normally stop, but as my wife's car wasn't on the drive I went up to the house, 50.00 miles exactly :tongue: I checked on Mapmyride which is normally pretty close and that said 50.29, so I'll take it. Even managed an average of 15.6 mph, I'll be knackered tomorrow 😄


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Don't know about Taiwan, but we regarded 26C as cold for us in Oz. 44C was "a bit warm"
I used to go to the Costa Blanca (south coast of Spain) every March for a cycling holiday. I remember a bunch of us Brits toiling up a mountain in mid-20s sunshine. We were all wearing lycra shorts, and unzipped short-sleeved jerseys, but were still dripping sweat. We got to a little mountaintop village and saw several old Spanish guys sat on a bench chatting. They were all wearing thick wool jumpers, heavy jackets, and hats. I got the distinct impression that they were grumbling about the cold conditions! :laugh:

PS And we saw some Spanish pro cyclists out training. They had full winter gear on.


Oh well not going to happen for me this year.

I woke up with a sore throat on New year's day - with a cold I thought. A few days later the sore throat went and I had what I would call an upper respiratory infection - a normal course of events as I have asthma. A few days later developed a cough - so wondered about a test but as the symptoms had started quite a few day previously the booking system didn't seem to allow me to book a test. Who knows, but a month later and I still feel a bit shoot and although the cough has gone I still get a bit of tightness in my chest and more asthma symptoms than normal. I am getting better slowly, a bit up an down. Last weekend I managed a 25km ride the only one this month. I have had a few short walks that is it. The last couple of short walks I felt really tired when I finished. Don't want to risk a 50km ride today in this weather not sure I could even make it. Give it a little longer, some better weather and I expect I will be back on the bike and all good. Will probably enter the lunacy challenge.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Oh well not going to happen for me this year.

I woke up with a sore throat on New year's day - with a cold I thought. A few days later the sore throat went and I had what I would call an upper respiratory infection - a normal course of events as I have asthma. A few days later developed a cough - so wondered about a test but as the symptoms had started quite a few day previously the booking system didn't seem to allow me to book a test. Who knows, but a month later and I still feel a bit shoot and although the cough has gone I still get a bit of tightness in my chest and more asthma symptoms than normal. I am getting better slowly, a bit up an down. Last weekend I managed a 25km ride the only one this month. I have had a few short walks that is it. The last couple of short walks I felt really tired when I finished. Don't want to risk a 50km ride today in this weather not sure I could even make it. Give it a little longer, some better weather and I expect I will be back on the bike and all good. Will probably enter the lunacy challenge.
Tough luck. Oh, and snap - same kind of thing here!

A week ago I was getting short of breath walking up one flight of stairs! This was a week or two after displaying cold-like symptoms... Obviously, in the current situation it is very tempting to think 'Covid' but who knows?

I felt a bit better yesterday so I thought I would give myself a little test on my 6km local loop. It has 2 moderate hills, one ramp of about 10% for 100 metres, and a couple of shorter ramps that I can sprint up. Nothing much on a normal geared bike, but I use my singlespeed to make it more of a challenge. It DID feel a challenge. I got short of breath and felt a bit sick. I definitely felt better than I did last week, but it doesn't make sense for me to be pushing myself, and my cycling mojo has gone anyway.

I'm going to spend a few months doing enough to keep me moderately fit, try to lose some weight, and look forward to sunny post-vaccination rides.

It will be just the Lunacy distance and climbing challenges for me this year.

For those of you doing this one - good luck!


Legendary Member
South East
Welcome to the challenge @stoatsngroats ,left it late but as you say your in now
Thanks 13 Rider, yes, I’m in, having looked at these challenges over the years, I’ve never managed to plan to do this, but here I am!
I have to Isolate for 10 days now, and found this out soon after returning home, so I’ll probably be cutting it fine on February’s too!
But I’ll be trying 😃
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