I managed to add another point today with a 32 mile cycle around the local area. I had planned to do this yesterday as there was no wind and some pretty clear skies, but I had only put on a pair of half finger mits because I usually find when I wear winter gloves my hands get far too warm, however after about a mile I was trying to work out how to pull my mits down my fingers to try to stop them from freezing completely and falling off and that didnt really make it easy to steer, brake or shift gear. Luckily (!!!!) we live at the top of a big hill and the temperature difference between the top and bottom can be noticable on a cold day and by the time I had reached the bottom of the hill I had thawed out a bit. However, it was enough to put me off so I bailed out and just did a small local 10 mile circuit instead knowing that the drop in temperature going back up the hill would encourage me not to dawdle.
So, today I planned to do the ride that I had intended to do yesterday. After about 7 miles I noticed that it seemed to be a bit harder to peddle than I was used to, especially on hills, and realised that whilst I could and had shifted from the small ring to the big ring up front early on, I couldnt shift back down again. So I got off and tried moving the chain by hand (having nowhere near by to hold the bike up off the ground) but each time I put the chain into the small ring and shifted up to the big ring I couldnt shift back. I took a wee detour to the local
Halfords who had a quick look and cleaned some mud off the front derailleur and lubricated it and all seemed good again. However after another few miles it was back to the same issue so I put the chain onto the small ring and just worked with my lower gears for the rest of the ride.
Apart from the slight mechanical issue (hopefully resolved now as the bike has been well cleaned and lubricated since I got home and everything seems to be working properly again) it was a great ride through some lovely Angus countryside and while the sun never quite came out, there was very little wind.
This is likely to be my last cycle for January as I'm away from next weekend for a week so might just give the LBS a call to get the bike in for a service and to check everything is working well for February.