I accidentally did my February 50km ride today.
I thought I'd take a quick ride up to Bodmin because my neighbour told me that the trail was shut up there and I wanted to go and have a nosy at it. I had today off work, unexpectedly, so thought I'd make the most of it.
Bodmin was open so I thought I'd go and look at the trail at Hellandbridge, where it's supposed to be closed as well. It wasn't but it was a bit gnarly there. The bit between the Blissland turning and Pooleys Bridge was horrible, all scabbled and just horrendous. I think that the council is putting a new top on it. I stopped at the Snails Pace, even though I knew it was shut, and sat for 5 minutes and wiggled my toes in the sunshine before sticking them back in my boots. I then decided to ride back home. As I approached home I thought "oooh, I've ridden 27 miles, best I keep going then" and decided to ride to the quarry and turn back there but I met up with an Aussie tourist from Darwin, so we chatted all the way to Padstow bike hire, where her bike was from. I turned for home there and rode back.
The last 5 miles was hard work. I knew I had a macaroon at home, that I'd saved since last night. The thought of it kept me going, hell I was fantasising about eating the dang thing over the last 3 miles. I got home to find that Hubster had stuffed it for his lunch. Is macaroon stealing good grounds for divorce? A bit of toast was not the same.
My hands are still cold. My ride came in at 59.7km in the end, I wish I'd known but my GPS is in imperial at the mo. I don't think that I had the legs for another 300 yards anyway.
It's half term tomorrow and I'm working 9 days on the bounce so I won't get much riding in, maybe a few 10 milers or so, but that's about it. I might get another 50km ride in after half term, who knows.