Moon bunny
Judging your grammar
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- Basking in my own brilliance.
Cordings yellow ones by any chance? 🤔
Any color, especially black.
Cordings yellow ones by any chance? 🤔
Not keen on the aesthetic but at least it's honest!Corduroy.
Funny, I feel completely the opposite and love the Merino base layers I picked from the carcass of CRC - they feel great against the skin and when worn on their own do a great job of remaining smell-freeMerino. Grotesquely over-priced, itches like hell, and quickly gets eaten by house moths. People drone on about its virtues almost as much as about Goretex.
Does anything made of pure wool count?
Only if you wear it next to your skin, which I can't think how/why you would.🤔 🧐 And to me tweed smells of lanolin, if it's 100 percent tweed.On about it smelling of pee, it used to be dyed using animal and or human pee in the process. Wool is supposed to be self cleansing, so if you pee your pants while wearing it the natural anti bacterial qualities are supposed to neutralise the bacteria.
I was only about 5 when I started having regular x-rays, so I was a bit young to think like that.The only times that I have had X-rays/scans... have been for scary health reasons!
I'm not sure I've ever had strong feelings about a textile, though I'm partial to watered silk and to a heavy velvet.
Oh, I've thought of one! Seersucker is unbelievably horrendous.
I had a tweed suit as a youth (about 12 so 50 years ago) the trousers itched like beggery (not sure what I was supposed to wear under them other than Y fronts ) and the jacket stank when it got wet, never been so glad to grow out of something.
I wore bri-nylon flared trousers while at secondary school in the 1970's.They were terrible for making my legs itch, plus they were full of static electricity, so not only did I itch all day, I also got electric shocks all day long!!
After much suffering I decided to nick a pair of my mother's tights, after hearing they'd help with the itching. They did to an extent, but I think they made the static shocks even worse!
One day while wearing my mother's tights under those horrible nylon flares, I was caught wearing them by some bullying pupils in the PE changing room. They made my life hell, mocking me at every opportunity! Even the PE teacher joined in the mocking, after he asked one of the bullies why they were hassling me. To make matters even worse, my mother also found out I'd been wearing her tights.
She asked me if I was having perverted thoughts and if so she'd take me to see a doctor. I told her why I was wearing her tights, but although she said she understood and would buy me some cotton trousers to stop the itching and the static electricity shocks, I did think, and still thought many years later that she had me down as some sort of cross dresser!!
Shudder. I was given a pair of polyester shorts with an open rear fly for a CT colonography last August. Hardly haute couture.
Tweed, stinks of pish and itches like a begger