Tests to find your genetic makeup/heritage. Are the sellers/testers genuine, or will they just tell you anything to get money off you?

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Word says that if they find any connection to Accrington they suppress this information just as an act of common humanity ^_^

I was interested in mine, confirmed my long held understanding that I'm a hairy little Celt.

I'm 6'3", blond (or was until I went grey) and from Yorkshire, so I'm going to save my money and say I'm a hairy big viking


Leg End Member
Is the test to trace ancestral lines or to make a guess at anything you might be suffering from.
Ancestry/Find My Past or Numan fear nothing type test?

Two very different sets of results expected from the outset
Oh and I was looking at that 'Egyptian'/Art Deco ring I bought yesterday and started to wonder if I might be a descendant of 'King Tut'!🤔 :whistle:

I've read a few times that there are very few people in Egypt that share any DNA with the Pharaohs, but there will be plenty in Europe that do, as they were European, not Egyptian. There are even several experts that say the Pharaohs were red haired, and liable to be Celts with links to Ireland.

the snail

I've read a few times that there are very few people in Egypt that share any DNA with the Pharaohs, but there will be plenty in Europe that do, as they were European, not Egyptian. There are even several experts that say the Pharaohs were red haired, and liable to be Celts with links to Ireland.

I think it depends which pharaohs you are talking about- some of them were greek, some of them were africans, the egyptian civilisation lasted for a long time.


I can understand the interest. In much the same way as I can for people who do these online personality tests etc. I guess it's what you then think/do with that info that becomes the issue.

Personally, and as someone said earlier, I'm not overly concerned beyond that natural curiousity, the 'parlour game' interest. I wouldn't go any further though. That I have ancestors is a statement of the obvious (actually, wouldn't it be cool if such a test found NO trace! Now THAT would be something!) Who they were, I'm a bit meh about. Ditto for my personality; it is whatever it is (again, unless the test showed that I somehow didn't have one)

I am who I am and from wherever I am. I stand here as living testimony to it. What I do today and forward from here has more interest to me (sorry if that sounds a bit 'right on') How I got here holds less interest for me. And, no, I'm not a history buff either ;)

As with all things of idle curiousity, go for it if you have the cash. I buy maps sometimes, not because I plan to use them to navigate but because, for some weird and wonderful reason, I simply like looking at them. I don't question it any further.


Heavy Metal Fan
My ex did it, it was clear as mud. Very vague and I expect 90% of the population would have a certain percentage of Australian/nordic DNA. It's a bit like a horoscope, tell people lots of vague things and some of it will ring true
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