Not on bloody Quest+1, though. Originally had the timer set for Quest on channel 37. Overruled by Mrs Poacher. OK, reset timer for Quest+1 on channel 38; EPG shows Giro highlights. Reassured. What comes on? Some cr@p purporting to be FBI files. WHAT????? Need to re-tune box. Now shows channel 38 to be Quest Red, whatever that is. Quest+1 to be found on channel 92, bliss. Ah, but what's this? Message telling me that Quest+1 is only on from 05:00 to 08:00, and I can watch Quest all day on channel 37. Furthermore, the box had decided that I should be in Yorkshire/Lincolnshire, had set itself so that channel 1 should be BBC1 for Yorkshire, and had removed BBC2 entirely. Retuned box twice with same result. At this point, having exhausted my repertoire of expletives, I decided to return the box to its factory settings and start from scratch. It turns out that this needs a PIN. First guess of 1234 doesn't work, second guess of 0000 does. Finally achieved BBC East Midlands on channel 1, all's (not quite) well with the world. Still can't watch the remaining 20 minutes of Giro coverage, as Quest+1 is only on air from 05:00 to 08:00, as noted previously - what the actual **** use is that to ANYONE?
Fired up the trusty laptop, went to Hurrah! They have an on demand facility! Is the Giro highlights programme available? Is it hell! The whisky cellar is taking a big hit tonight!