@Whorty what happened I did wait but u didn't seam to be catching up
Heart rate was through the roof so I was trying to get it down. I felt great up the 1st hill. Could have cracked on but saw you behind so held back to try and pace you up. Got to the top and saw heart rate was 181 and I was starting to get chest pains, like I got on the DD. I rolled down the first hill then cycled easy on th eflat but just couldn't get the HR down below 174, even when not pushing hard. When you caught me up I did try to stay with you and manage the HR, but when I knew I couldn't do that I let you go.
Rolled in then with one of the Spanish guys. Played cat and mouse with him until about 700 metres to go then blasted away from him, hitting 760 Bkool watts
Good news is, when I'm feeling better I should be able to knock some tim eoff that course but clearly something not right. Could just be that I've been off the bike for 3 weeks, and hence off the meds, so my body had a small asthma attack (still a bit wheezy now). I set a time though that I'm not too unhappy with so not bad
You had a good ride ... better watch my back on the GC standings