Geoff on Bkool
- Location
- South Somerset
Geoff, what happened (mechanical ?)
Just Bkool giving my KICKR a massive disadvantage, you and Rick came past me like I was standing still, I presume using momentum from the downhill bits that I just don't get on the KICKR.
Bit annoying to have a higher Watts/Kg on a steep climb and still get thoroughly whupped!
Never mind, don't want to moan, it's all good training and I knew the climb wouldn't suit the KICKR when I set it up!
I'll get you next week in the Velodrome ... oh no I won't as watts/Kg has no benefit there!
How about the week after ... oh that's a Handicap and catching you is a different matter to getting away from you!
How about the week after that ... definitely have you then!

Geoff (moan, moan, moan ...)