Team BKool CycleChat

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Bored Man

Upstanding Member
Hi, I am new to indoor cycling and started using BKOOL. I think I need to say hello here before I can join the Chain Gang league?



Active Member
How would you rate the drafting experience on bkool. I have the feeling that there is too small of a diference (or none) vhen riding behind one cyclist vs group?
In the real world one could ride 50km/h in a group of riders on flat road with long freewheeling between pedaling.. So i guess we should have some blue km/h numbers when group riding... I think races would be more interesting.
it's just my observation ;)


TheBoxers on Cycle Sim sw
How would you rate the drafting experience on bkool. I have the feeling that there is too small of a diference (or none) vhen riding behind one cyclist vs group?
In the real world one could ride 50km/h in a group of riders on flat road with long freewheeling between pedaling.. So i guess we should have some blue km/h numbers when group riding... I think races would be more interesting.
it's just my observation ;)
When I've managed to get into a group of more than 2 on bkool the draft is noticeable. 3 or more riders gives a significant drop in power needed to maintain speed when in p2 or lower.

Running as a pair gives a draft, but less, as it would be in the real world. I'm not one of the quick guys so drafting is not my forte, but I do it when I can.

Bored Man

Upstanding Member
Since the latest update, draft assist has reduced, the drop is much more noticeable in the drome. I never really gained a benefit whilst riding with other riders on the virtual road as most of the time it’s not flat enough. There is a noticeable drop in watts but whether that transfers quickly enough to resistance... well, I’m not too sure...

The autobus pulled out ages ago - these days I ride alone.


TheBoxers on Cycle Sim sw
I should add that that was with a bkool trainer. With the kickrs it is too up and down due to the readings used being power. Ease up on power instant drop in speed. I can't maintain a draft with a kickr. I either shoot ahead or fall out the back :cursing:.


Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
Since the latest update, draft assist has reduced, the drop is much more noticeable in the drome. I never really gained a benefit whilst riding with other riders on the virtual road as most of the time it’s not flat enough. There is a noticeable drop in watts but whether that transfers quickly enough to resistance... well, I’m not too sure...

The autobus pulled out ages ago - these days I ride alone.
There is still an autobus, it's just on a different route these days :tongue:
Getting my excuses in early. Please see BOB (book of Bobinski) book 2 chapter 4 page 68. Not been riding this week.
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