Team BKool CycleChat

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Powys, Wales
Where's Bob???


Just reflecting on the meaning of life.
North Hampshire
Sorry, but I don't think anyone here knows the solution to this problem or is having a similar problem. If it weren't for the fact that it was working ok before the update I'd guess that it may be an internet problem. Do you use a USB extension cable to get the ant+ closer to your bkool unit? Most here do I think and it does improve the link between the two.

Have bkool got back to you yet?
Thanks for the reply, Bill.

No, nothing at all from BKOOL which does surprise to some degree because they do seem to reply (if not instantly).

Yes, I am using an USB extension cable and the ant+ is only a few inches from the trainer.

It's certainly not an internet problem. I have a rock-solid connection at 30Mbits/s. And, as you say, the problem has only arisen since the s/w update.

While waiting for a reply from BKOOL I will try a different cable, different USB port etc to rule out any of these. I suppose the ant+ itself could be faulty.

I just find it frustrating as heck preparing for a ride only to have to jump off the bike to reboot the PC every few minutes.

At least I am a very patient person, and generally methodical, so I will get to the bottom of it. Eventually. A little input from BKOOL would help though.


Powys, Wales
I am here, been on start line and then I think I ballsed things up by closing session to wait my 13 min
You can still rejoin the session mate, jump in now if you like.
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