Well that was stressful, set off on FTP test aiming for 290 Watts but willing to settle for 280 Watts, was doing OK up to about half way, then started to struggle (as usual) and decided to settle for 280 Watts and press on, but with 2 minutes to go was still at 288 so ramped it up and sprinted the last minute and just about hit 290.
Then the session failed up upload!
Retried a dozen times and it said too many attempts and it won't retry again. Rebooted and logged in and found retry failed button and this time it worked.
Found session uploaded and averaged 290.35 Watts. To my amazement, it said to go up another level I needed 290.46 Watts, so I missed Active 8 by 0.11 Watt!
Ah well, that gives me something to go for next time ...