Just caught up on all of last night's posts.
Had to add my respects to
@AAAC 76C for this, although much less respect for the random arrangement of his initials. I agree, it should clearly be AACA 76C!
I'm only a single stent chap myself. I had a letter-box narrowing in one artery, bizarrely picked up through a bicycle test in an annual health check, where I and the doctor were having fun getting me to push harder.
I came back from a holiday to a letter asking me to seek a referral to a cardiologist. I was riding really well at the time, going out with the evening chain gang and smashing some really good times. So, the cardiologist thought the result must be an error as I was totally asymptomatic.
He sent me for a Cat Scan as a precaution, found a narrowing and then changed his advice from "carry on doing what you're doing" almost to "stop doing anything"!
The letter box narrowing was interesting! I had an angiogram and there was no pressure difference either side of the narrowing, so they stopped the procedure. They called me a week later and said it was a letter box narrowing and they would normally just leave me under observation, but as I cycled a lot they recommended the stent as a 'precaution'. Note: try explaining that lot to a travel insurance company! They just hear stent and charge you more!!
Anyhow, the point of all that is my single, precautionary, asymptomatic stent pales into nothing against a three stent operation to cure angina. If you can ride like you do after that, then that is fecking fantastic.............. either that or somebody fitted a
@Whorty style motor into your heart when they finished your procedure!