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Large Member
Easy old fella... lost in translation yes, and a lot of people yourself included are tired and emotional!

I dream of five hours sleep... 6 month baby in my bedroom awake every couple of hours so I'm always 'cream crackered'. Then as I'm just getting to sleep at around 5 am after having an asleep baby on me for an hour plus, 4 year old comes in and joins us... net result is I'm trying to sleep on the edge of the bed with no duvet.... feck I go to work for a rest!

Those were the days.
My first marriage only lasted one child on account of legging it for the snip after the shock.
Vowed not to marry anyone with a child small enough to fit through a stairgate thereafter.

That turned out to be a wise move, just a shame all of my wives kids have got divits in thier heads on account of spending hours wedged in a stairgate.
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Large Member
Mine just feel numb,

These squadies were never too good at spelling....

I said that I was going Scottish and couldn't type good didn't I Hair splitter.


Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
I dream of five hours sleep... 6 month baby in my bedroom awake every couple of hours so I'm always 'cream crackered'. Then as I'm just getting to sleep at around 5 am after having an asleep baby on me for an hour plus, 4 year old comes in and joins us... net result is I'm trying to sleep on the edge of the bed with no duvet.... feck I go to work for a rest!

Same here but due to HID who is in constant pain through the night and has to get up 4 or 5 times at least. Problem is, she can't get in or out of bed without help so I'm up with her. We manage 5 or 6 hours sleep max most nights. But rarely more. I have to catch up on kip on weekend afternoons on the sofa prior to BKooling :laugh:

It's amazing how the body learns to adapt over time to lack of sleep!


Illegitimi non carborundum
Camden, London
Thanks AAAC (or Alan Andrew A Charlton as Skovsgaard named you :laugh:). I didn't mean any disrespect in the disappointment remark, maybe surprised would be a better word? But as Skovsgaard pointed out (on Messenger), the discussion of what might or might not have happened, had the rules not been broken/bent, is pointless.

Maybe Spain would have been even faster on Stage 2, maybe a turbo would have blown up on the Spanish or German team in the TTT, maybe a chain-drop off for one of their riders at the start, we'll never know. Everyone is smarter in hindsight and as Jacob said, he will probably make another decision next time! Just like with the Brexit referendum?

Let's just leave it that - after all, we all do this for free and fun, but of course with a competitive edge and hope for fair play!


I just posted a very long response to this post. But hoesntly, on reflection, life is too short.... And today is a new day....

I’ll just say instead. Please stop posting on this issue Brusgaard and we’ll all move on.

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TheBoxers on Cycle Sim sw
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Legendary Member
Tulse Hill
Makes a change me not arguing with you :hugs:

No one can argue after listening to that.

There good song performances and great some performances that most people enjoy. Then there are song performances like this that just stop you in your tracks and make you listen.

Thanks for the good start to the day :thumbsup:

A pleasure.


Über Member
Cheers @gbrown - Just wondering though, should I be able to see more than 15 minutes of each?


Legendary Member
Tommy, thinking better of it and moving on is definitely the best course of action. But sod it....

the discussion of what might or might not have happened, had the rules not been broken/bent, is pointless.
Agreed, but no one except you are discussing that are they? Instead we have been discussing what actually did happen - whether the rules were broken (they were) and whether this gave Spain an unfair advantage, particularly on stage 3 (it did).

Maybe Spain would have been even faster on Stage 2, maybe a turbo would have blown up on the Spanish or German team in the TTT, maybe a chain-drop off for one of their riders at the start, we'll never know
Agreed - we'll never know. So what? But As for "maybe Spain would have been even faster on stage 2" if they had one less rider??? What on earth are you on about?

Everyone is smarter in hindsight and as Jacob said, he will probably make another decision next time
Agreed, which is why I said I accept what Jacob said and happy to leave it and move on. Also this is why us pointing out that the substition was both against the rules and unfair wasn't pointless but important, as it means lessons can be learnt for next time

excuse me, if I'm a bit tired and haven't got all the facts straight
Is that an apology? Ok, fine consider yourself excused! But here's the thing - no one's forcing you to make these posts, so if you're too tired or busy to read the rules first (for example), it's probably best not to comment on the fairness or otherwise of the rules. And if haven't done the maths first, it's probably best not co comment on the maths. Because when you do, and you get facts wrong people are likely to (rightly) call you out on it. And if you then don't humbly accept your mistakes straight away you're going to look a bit silly....

Del C

To be honest DP it is probably not angina (Just checking predictive text has got that right).
I had a ECG two weeks ago and everything looked fine and the Heart Doctor felt it may not be a heart problem but had no idea what it might be, not his field, so to double check I am having a second ECG next week but this time they will be forcing my heart rate with medication.
My GP had put me on medication for acid reflux in case it is that but unfortunately he didn't prescribe enough to last until my next prescription so I have only been taking it alternate days and today was an off day so that may have been bad planning.
At the end of the day when you have had 3 stents fitted for blocked main heart arteries and your chest feels tight and you feel you have to sit down you don't try and push 450 BW.
I was lucky to feel it coming on and so I was able to tick over and get to the end of the stage so I stood a chance to run in stage 2.
I wasn't 100% when stage 2 started but the tightness left me before the climb started so I gradually applied pressure but I never felt confident enough to go to hard otherwise I would have gone after Jacob
Just caught up on all of last night's posts.

Had to add my respects to @AAAC 76C for this, although much less respect for the random arrangement of his initials. I agree, it should clearly be AACA 76C! :laugh:

I'm only a single stent chap myself. I had a letter-box narrowing in one artery, bizarrely picked up through a bicycle test in an annual health check, where I and the doctor were having fun getting me to push harder.

I came back from a holiday to a letter asking me to seek a referral to a cardiologist. I was riding really well at the time, going out with the evening chain gang and smashing some really good times. So, the cardiologist thought the result must be an error as I was totally asymptomatic.

He sent me for a Cat Scan as a precaution, found a narrowing and then changed his advice from "carry on doing what you're doing" almost to "stop doing anything"!

The letter box narrowing was interesting! I had an angiogram and there was no pressure difference either side of the narrowing, so they stopped the procedure. They called me a week later and said it was a letter box narrowing and they would normally just leave me under observation, but as I cycled a lot they recommended the stent as a 'precaution'. Note: try explaining that lot to a travel insurance company! They just hear stent and charge you more!!

Anyhow, the point of all that is my single, precautionary, asymptomatic stent pales into nothing against a three stent operation to cure angina. If you can ride like you do after that, then that is fecking fantastic.............. either that or somebody fitted a @Whorty style motor into your heart when they finished your procedure!

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