380 + (380 - 360)/2 = 390 ???
Or did you add the extra 30 watts to make up for the rain?
To be honest Bill it's quite hard to set your ERG level unless you have a decent constant flat or climb and when I pushed the button it came out as 380.
At 380 I seemed to be stuck with Steve and I was almost thinking he must be on ERG as well (until I looked at his stats) and it was kind of infuriating because if he went past me I could do nothing.
So at an opportune time I switched of ERG at about km 10.5 got some distance (and a rest from ERG).
I switched it back on at km 17.4 and this time it came out to 390 watts.
I stuck with that until 5 km out from the finish where I was getting a lot of hassle to dig in from Jim so I switched it of and re-engaged at 440 watts.
I have got to say that was one of the toughest work outs I have done inn ages, 40 km of constant and consistent effort, no micro-rests on downhill sections just minute after minute of grind.
That has to be good Time Trial Training however you get the feeling your not going as quick as you would go, in the virtual world, as you would with ERG not engaged.
I have a feeling quite a few will be able to stay with my ghost on Thursday and shoot by me in the last km or two but that's kind of why I did it i.e. to give you all a carrot.