Illegitimi non carborundum
- Location
- Camden, London
You was pushing out some big watts thereAt times though you started pushing say 300 then 190, then back up to 280, then down again .... I go like that when I get tired too ... I then have to just concentrate on a steady watts level (say 220/230) and just keep a good tempo. You did really well though to stick it out - can be a lonely place (as I'll find out in Wales) climbing those mountains
I think that's good advice for all of us with regards to pacing ourselves.
The more training rides I put in the more admiration I've got for Add, Bill and Bridgy. The distance they did with the crazy amount of climbing on top of that! It really seems like an incredible challenge.
It's much more testing than anything I've tried before. Ive got a mix of excitement, determination and intrepidation at the moment, but I'm sure that's the same for all of us. In short,
bring it on!!!