Daddy Pig
I'm chasing pararie sbt or some such and need to make up around 7 minutes.Pep has done the last two stages and the sum of the difference twixt me and he is about 40 seconds in my favour but I expect he was a good few minutes ahead of me by the end of stage 14 so he will win.
Good news is as the GC takes so long to update I might still be in the lead when it finishes.
Might have to do some last minute minute hunting Thursday and Saturday but I not doing Stage 8 again, or shall I?
Nope, Stage 2 and Stage 6 it is in that order, 2 on Thursday, but it will be early (or 19:30 ish) and 6 on Saturday.
Perhaps not, I need to find 19:40 plus to win!
I had a go at stage 15.... I was leading pep by 30 seconds up to the final hill, I was over the moon... where he then put on a lead of around 3 minutes... he had apparently gone to the moon and back and had his feet up by the time I finished. He trundles along and then just blasts away leaving the rest to weep.
Still that's 2 of the 7 minutes made up.
I think stages 2, 6 & 8 may have to be rerun after stage 14... not sure thwre will be time though.
Watch out @bridgy I'm up catching you up hard and fast from behind

Edit: just did a spreadsheet to track my targets. I realised that it is @bridgy who was 7 minutes ahead and have this down to 4 now. I just need to keep Pararie in sight by 20 seconds and I'll have overtaken him.

I'll have a go at stage 15 early tomorrow and see how I do. Stage 8 late Thursday evening followed by stage 2 on Friday evening. I wonder if I can sneak in stages 5 & 6 on Saturday am and pm?

I think I may be running on fumes by then though

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